The Accessibility Charter
The Accessibility Charter was developed by MSD and the Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) and endorsed by public sector Chief Executives.
The Accessibility Charter documents the Chief Executives’ commitment to delivering on Article 9 – Accessibility of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).
The Accessibility Charter (text of)
Our organisation is committed to working progressively over the next five years towards ensuring that all information intended for the public is accessible to everyone and that everyone can interact with our services in a way that meets their individual needs and promotes their independence and dignity.
Accessibility is a high priority for all our work.
This means:
- meeting the New Zealand Government Web Accessibility Standard and the Web Usability Standard, as already agreed, by 1 July 2017
- ensuring that our forms, correspondence, pamphlets, brochures and other means of interacting with the public are available in a range of accessible formats including electronic, New Zealand Sign Language, Easy Read, braille, large print, audio, captioned and audio described videos, transcripts, and tools such as the Telephone Information Service
- having compliance with accessibility standards and requirements as a high priority deliverable from vendors we deal with
- responding positively when our customers draw our attention to instances of inaccessibility in our information and processes and working to resolve the situation
- adopting a flexible approach to interacting with the public where an individual may not otherwise be able to carry out their business with full independence and dignity.
Our organisation will continue to actively champion accessibility within our leadership teams so that providing accessible information to the public is considered business as usual.
Signed by
Chief Executive
Manager Communications
Manager IT
A printable copy of the Accessibility Charter is available as PDF or Word document under the heading "Related links".
Previous - The Accessibility Charter: A commitment | Next - The context of the Charter