Emergency Housing Special Needs Grant
Latest Emergency Housing Special Needs Grant release
Emergency Housing Special Needs Grant - Data file
The following data file provides a breakdown of households in emergency housing at the end of the quarter by Territorial Authority (TLA). It also includes a breakdown by demographics of the primary client (e.g. age, ethnicity, household composition and duration in emergency housing)
How we report ethnicity
From December 2021, we have implemented an approach called ‘total response’, which allows us to recognise all aspects of someone’s ethnicity. This will reflect our clients more accurately, align our approach with Statistics NZ’s reporting and reflect best practice.
Ethnicity is about people’s identity and sense of belonging. Ethnicity measures cultural affiliation, rather than race, ancestry, nationality, or citizenship. Ethnicity is self-perceived and people can identify with more than one ethnic group. Previously, we reported ethnicity using an approach called ‘prioritised ethnicity’. Prioritised ethnicity meant that we allocated people to a single ethnic group in an order of priority. The priority used by MSD was Māori, Pacific Peoples, Other and NZ European.
Confidentiality - Random Rounding
From 12 February 2021, MSD started applying a range of new confidentiality procedures to public data releases. These procedures will continue to protect client information while making more data available. To find out how we have changed the way we work with client information, please visit:
Previous releases
MSD has identified and corrected a minor error within the quarterly Emergency Housing Special Needs Grants TLA releases.
In the quarterly releases for March 2022, June 2022, September 2022 and December 2022 a transposing error resulted in Emergency Housing Special Needs Grant numbers displaying against an incorrect age group in some columns.
Published numbers for a small number of TLAs were affected. Overall totals for each TLA were correct. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.