Business people reading the Social Report.


Total substantiated abuse findings by finding type

Type of abuse finding






Emotional abuse

12,777 10,406 8,318 8,490 7,231

Physical abuse

3,343 3,305 3,235 3,073 3,136

Sexual abuse

1,459 1,329 1,275 1,167 1,038


5,405 4,583 3,644 3,664 3,397
Total abuse findings 22,984 19,623 16,472 16,394 14,802

Note: A finding of abuse or neglect was made after an investigation or assessment was completed by Child, Youth and Family and abuse or neglect was substantiated. A child or young person might have had more than one finding as a result of an assessment or investigation, or might have had more than one assessment or investigation in the reporting period.

Distinct children and young people with a substantiated abuse finding, by abuse type

The table below shows the number of distinct children and young people (ie each child or young person is counted only once in the period) with substantiated abuse findings, by type of abuse.

Distinct children and young people by the type of abuse finding






Emotional abuse

11,386 9,499 7,708 7,849 6,737

Physical abuse

3,181 3,178 3,118 2,953 3,002

Sexual abuse

1,423 1,294 1,231 1,136 1,010


4,957 4,230 3,438 3,433 3,226
Total distinct children and young people (counted once in the period shown) 18,595 16,289 13,833 13,598 12,117

Note: A child or young person might have had more than one type of finding as a result of an assessment or investigation, or may have had more than one assessment or investigation in the reporting period. A child with more than one type of finding is counted in each finding type thus the total number of distinct children and young people does not equal the sum of all the types.

Download the latest national and local level data

The file below provides further information about substantiated findings of abuse or neglect for children and young people in the past five years. In addition to the national level information, where appropriate the information has been provided down to region, operational area, and site or subsite.

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