C. Provide accessible information, tools and forms
364 people provided feedback on this proposal.
Level of support for proposal
What we plan to do in 2014/15 and later years:
- 83 people strongly agreed
- 202 people agreed
- 49 people neither agreed nor disagreed
- 14 people disagreed
- 16 people strongly disagreed.
The order we are planning to do them:
- 56 people strongly agreed
- 175 people agreed
- 67 people neither agreed nor disagreed
- 40 people disagreed
- 21 people strongly disagreed.
Suggested changes to the long term plan
Multiple people said:
- it is important that Work and Income know the different types of formats people need so information is accessible for them, so bring forward the work to design and implement ways for people to specify how they want to receive information and correspondence
- knowing about the rights and responsibilities disabled people and people with health conditions have in the workplace is vital, so bring forward making this information available in accessible formats
- accessible employment contracts are essential to successful employment, so bring forward working with stakeholders, employers and Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment to implement them.
Suggested actions for Work and Income
Work and Income need to:
- think about offering other ways to make the service more accessible, such as after hour appointments, private meeting spaces and home visits
- keep accessible formats up to date (new technologies and new forms, tools and information)
- make sure forms, tools and information submitted in alternate formats can be interpreted, processed by Work and Income
- provide pictorial cues and reader aides or advocates for people who can’t read.
ensure the MSD’s and Work and Income’s website is fully accessible and complies with the New Zealand Government Web Standards.