Migrant workers.

A. Implement an individualised approach to involve the client in identifying their aspirations, skills and strengths to work, and the support they need to find and stay in work

407 people provided feedback on this proposal.

Level of support for proposal

What we plan to do in 2014/15 and later years:

  • 67 people strongly agreed
  • 218 people agreed
  • 70 people neither agreed nor disagreed
  • 23 people disagreed
  • 29 people strongly disagreed.

The order we are planning to do them:

  • 38 people strongly agreed
  • 171 people agreed
  • 97 people neither agreed nor disagreed
  • 67 people disagreed
  • 30 people strongly disagreed.

Suggested changes to the long term plan

Multiple people said:

  • it was important people knew about the supports and services provided by Work and Income so they could build them in to their plan, so bring forward the work to develop information in accessible formats about all employment supports and services available from Work and Income
  • it was important to support people with intellectual impairment to be develop employment plans, so bring forward the work to design techniques to support people making decisions when completing the self-assessment
  • staff must collaborate with all other agencies involved with the client when developing the plan, so align the work planned in section B, to provide staff with opportunities and time to work with other agencies involved with a client, with this section also.

Suggested actions for Work and Income

Work and Income must commit to an individualized approach by introducing a culture that supports clients achieve their employment goals and aspirations. As part of this:

  • staff must receive proper training on an individualised approach before using the approach with clients
  • the organisation must provide support (ie advocacy and support on how to plan) for clients who need support to develop their plans
  • assessment of ability to work must involve others when and if appropriate
  • career progression for clients should be part of the plan
  • people over 60 years old must be included as many people in this age group can and do want to work
  • a communication plan must be developed so other organisations and groups know about the new culture.

Suggested actions for government agencies

Better collaboration is needed between government departments. Other agencies working with the same people as MSD, (ACC, Education, Health, Transport), need to know about the supports and services provided by Work and Income so they can share that information with their clients.

People need access to good education, training and therapeutic services to develop the skills needed to get into employment.

Agencies need to work better together to prevent duplication of public funding.

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Migrant workers.
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