Cultural dancing.

Pacific Family Violence Research series

Background: the lack of data regarding family violence and Pacific communities led the Ministry and the Pacific community representatives to work to improve information and evidence about Pacific family violence.

The Ministry of Social Development provided research funding for the completion of a number of research reports focusing on family violence and Pacific communities. This was seen as an opportunity to build capability in Pacific research and to this end applications were invited from researchers to work with Pacific students to complete research projects. 

Overall, five tertiary institutions were involved in the research projects: Whitirea New Zealand, Auckland University, Massey University, the Auckland University of Technology, and the University of Canterbury which administered the projects.


Cook Islands cultural concepts to inform family violence interventions and practice – Literature search

This literature review identifies key Cook Island literature in the family violence area. The researchers concluded that the process of transforming Cook Island lives should always be underpinned by theories and practice methods that are Cook Island in origin. This research highlights the importance of indigenous Pacific approaches to family violence.

Tongan ethnic-specific approaches to family restoration – Scholarship Research Report

This report explores how an indigenous Tongan faith based programme, Kainga Tu’umalie (Prosperous families) combined with indigenous Tongan cultural knowledge can prevent family violence from occurring, and heal and restore families where

violence is present. The report emphasises the need for further research about the usefulness of faith based approaches to family violence.

Family violence initiatives and Pacific men: A literature review

This literature review focuses on the role of Pacific men in strengthening Pacific families, and explores the available literature about initiatives in this area. It considers whether international family violence initiatives can be applied to Pacific men in New Zealand.

What makes for a good marriage or partnership? Samoan Case Study

Focussing on the Samoan community, this research project identifies a range of factors that influence marriage and partner relationships. It explores how recognising how Samoan relationships are constructed and change in light of influencing factors can enhance our understanding of how violence might be prevented and dealt with.

Cultural dancing.
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