Marching Ladies

Programmes for specific population groups

Research looking at the impact of employment assistance initiatives designed for different groups of people.

These research reports and documents have been released as part of a programme of work to develop a research archive and improve access to historic research previously not released by the Ministry. We will potentially be adding to this page over time.

Pre-release prisoner work readiness programmes

2012 | ISBN 978-0-9951240-6-6

This brief assesses whether ex-prisoners in the United States who participated in pre-release work-based programmes have improved employment, training, and recidivism outcomes.

International evidence suggests that pre-release work-based programmes may improve employment and reduce recidivism. However, these programmes are substantially different from New Zealand's Prisoner Reintegration Service Enhancements.

Individual disability support services

2012 | ISBN 978-0-9951240-8-0

This brief examines whether individual disability support services provide better outcomes for disabled people and their families. There are variations in outcomes for recipients of individual disability support services based on disability type, education level, and support networks. People with physical disabilities and more education were more likely to achieve their employment goals.

Measures to improve mental health of sole parent benefit recipients to improve employment outcomes

2010 | ISBN 978-0-9951241-8-9

This report examines measures to improve the mental health of sole parent benefit recipients to improve their employment outcomes. It focuses on the most common mental health problems, particularly mild to moderate depression, and anxiety. Both international and New Zealand research shows that sole parents, particularly those receiving social assistance benefits, have elevated rates of mental health difficulties.

Impact of mild to moderate mental health service on participants' outcomes: technical report

2010 | ISBN 978-0-9951242-6-4

This report summarises the results and method used to estimate the impact of the Mild to Moderate Mental Health (MMMH) pilot on participants’ outcomes. MMMH increased part-time work and programme stair-casing and resulted in a small increase in the time participants spent on a main benefit. Because of the short outcome period, we cannot provide any firm conclusions on the effectiveness of MMMH.

Activation measures for incapacity benefit recipients to improve employment outcomes

2010 | ISBN 978-0-9951242-8-8

This report examines measures to improve employment outcomes for incapacity benefit recipients. The longer people remain out of work after losing their job due to sickness or disability the less likely they are to return to paid employment.

Marching Ladies

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