Supporting Teen Fathers: a resource for service providers
This resource has been developed to support the delivery of services for teen fathers. ‘Teen fathers' includes those young fathers who are no longer teenagers, but who need the same kinds of support. This could include young fathers who are the partners of teen mothers.
This resource can be used by:
- providers thinking about setting up a teen father service
- providers of other services who want to be more inclusive of teen fathers
- providers of existing teen father services who are interested in what others are doing.
The resource is a starting point for sharing practice, recognising the expertise and knowledge of those working with teen fathers will develop over time. It will also be a key resource for Community Response Forums as they plan effective services for teen fathers.
Part 1 of the resource outlines what is known about teen fathers in New Zealand, including their characteristics and needs. It discusses the roles fathers play, and the cultural context of being a father in New Zealand.
Part 2 covers things to consider when developing services for teen fathers:
- finding out about teen fathers in your community
- considering effective approaches to supporting teen fathers
- recognising the importance of identity, mana, whakapapa and whanaungatanga
- providing parenting support services to teen fathers
- supporting teen fathers with other areas of their lives
- deciding how to deliver services
- selecting people to work with teen fathers
- getting teen fathers involved and keeping them engaged
- creating environments that are teen father friendly
- working with families and whānau
- working with other services
- monitoring, evaluating and reflecting on practice.
Part 3 contains profiles of five providers currently delivering services to teen fathers in New Zealand.
Ordering a hardcopy
Printed copies of the booklet can be ordered by emailing us on information@msd.govt.nz