
The Positive Ageing Reference Group, consisting of community representatives, has developed the following Vision for Positive Ageing in New Zealand. Members of the Reference Group were appointed by the Minister for Senior Citizens because of their interest in and understanding of positive ageing issues.
Our vision is for a society where people can age positively, where older people are highly valued and where they are recognised as an integral part of families and communities. New Zealand will be a positive place in which to age when older people can say that they live in a society that values them, acknowledges their contributions and encourages their participation.
This will be a reality when:
- Society respects older people, values their knowledge, wisdom and skills, and acknowledges the considerable contributions they make to family, whānau and the community;
- We have created communities where people of all ages can enjoy a satisfying life;
- Ageing is a positive experience, regardless of gender, age, culture, or ability;
- Older people can participate in the community in the ways they choose and their participation is valued and respected by others;
- The community works together to provide an environment where people can age positively;
- Partnerships that support positive ageing are developed between local and central government, communities and support agencies;
- Older people are welcomed as mentors for younger generations;
- Ageing provides opportunities for opening new doors and offering new experiences;
- Society recognises the potential and talent of a steadily growing number of older people;
- Older people are able to continue to learn and make the most of their talents;
- Ageism is eliminated from all sectors of society and everyone is valued for who they are regardless of age;
- Flexible employment practices support older people in the workforce;
- The importance of a healthy lifestyle, leisure and recreation is recognised throughout life;
- Health promotion supports a wellness model of ageing;
- Older people are able to live in a safe and secure environment and receive the necessary support when they can no longer live independently;
- New Zealanders have access to a continuum of health services;
- There is security and stability in retirement income policies that provide a reasonable standard of living in older age;
- Accessible transport supports community participation;
- Adequate housing is available to ensure people can live with dignity;
- A wide range of services supports ageing in place;
- Older people living in isolated and sparsely populated rural communities are not disadvantaged when accessing services;
- New Zealanders have positive attitudes to ageing and older people; and
- The concept and importance of positive ageing is widely understood.