Care and Protection Blueprint
Families, communities and government working together for the safety and wellbeing of children, young people and their families.
The Care and Protection Blueprint was released in February 2003 in response to a recommendation in Mick Brown’s 2000 report ‘Care and Protection is About Adult Behaviour’.
The Blueprint outlined a strategy for enhancing the services provided to children and young people who were at risk of, or had suffered from, abuse and neglect. It aimed to improve the way government and community agencies worked together to respond to child abuse and neglect.
The Blueprint provided:
- a vision for the care and protection community
- a set of principles to guide the implementation of the Blueprint and to underpin the development and delivery of care and protection policy and services
- four goals to address the issues facing the care and protection community
an action plan.
Care and Protection Blueprint - Progress Reports
The Care and Protection Resource Panels discussion document and feedback guide were produced in 2002.
Responses to the discussion document were summarised in the Consultation Summary Report.
Planning for Participation – A Toolkit for Care and Protection Providers was published on the MSD website in December 2003. It provides information on planning for and running participation exercises with children, young people and their families. It was developed under Area of Action 3. of the Care and Protection Blueprint 2003.
In April 2004 the Workforce Development Group produced a report on workforce issues in the care and protection sector.
December 2005 Final Update
A Care and Protection Update was published in December 2005. It describes how the Care and Protection Blueprint has been implemented and identifies ongoing priority work. It also summarises progress to date on each of the Blueprint action areas.
Updates on ongoing work will be published in Te Rito News.