Agenda for Children
On this Page:
The Agenda for Children is a government strategy aimed at improving the lives of children. The Agenda was launched in June 2002 and outlines:
- the Agenda for Children vision
- a set of principles to guide government policies and services affecting children
- a new "whole child" approach to child policy and service development
- a programme of government policy and research initiatives to help achieve the vision.
Developing a more positive school culture to address bullying and improve school relationships
This report, is part of Action Area Four of New Zealand’s Agenda for Children which aims to address violence in children’s lives with a particular focus on bullying. The report identifies principles of change and actions schools have taken.
Whole Child Approach: A guide to applying the whole child approach
The whole child approach is designed to ensure that the development of policy and services takes account of the needs and rights of children.
How was the Agenda developed?

The development of the Agenda for Children began with a Seminar on Children’s Policy in July 2000. Following this the Child Policy Reference Group was established to provide advice on the development of the Agenda for Children.
During April, May and June 2001, the Agenda for Children Consultation took place with over 7500 children and hundreds of adults sharing their views and ideas about what they thought should be priority areas for government action in the Agenda for Children. The submissions were analysed and the findings shared with respondents.
More Information on the Agenda The Agenda for Children and the Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa are closely linked and and being implemented together within the Action for Child and Youth Development work programme. More information about the Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa, is available from the Ministry of Youth Affairs website.
Hard copies of the Agenda for Children publications are available by:

Artwork: The art appearing on this site was contributed by the students of Johnsonville School. The students were asked to create work based on the idea of Children in their families and what they enjoy doing in the environment around them. All work has been reproduced with the permission of Johnsonville School, the students and their parents or guardians.