UNCROC public consultation
What did you say about New Zealand’s Fifth Periodic Report under UNCROC?
We undertook public consultation on New Zealand’s Fifth Periodic Report (the report) under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC) between 19 December 2014 and 27 February 2015.
We have analysed the information from public meetings, email and postal submissions and the online survey.
Child friendly resources on UNCROC
If you are a child or young person in New Zealand, and you would like to know more about UNCROC, you can visit UNICEF New Zealand’s website at the link below. The website includes a summary of UNCROC written in both English and Te Reo Mäori.
Keep me updated on UNCROC
If you would like to be kept up to date on the steps in the UNCROC reporting process, email your contact details to UNCROC@msd.govt.nz.