Hui Whakapumau: An Introduction
ka tere pipi
whakao ki mua
kia koe, ki tenei, te
hui whakapūmau
Massey University in Palmerston North was the forum this year for the Hui Whakapūmau, a two-day meeting of Māori who gathered to review the "Decade of Māori Development 1984–94", and explore future directions for Māori development.
Hundreds packed lecture theatres to hear an array of enlightening and challenging addresses by prominent Māori speakers including Chief Judge Eddie Durie, June Jackson, Aroha Mead, Rangimarie Parata, Denese Henare, and Robert Mahuta – to name a few.
"Though not intended to directly influence political decisions or to be representative in terms of Māori views, it is nonetheless, an all too rare opportunity to reflect on past and recent accomplishments, and to focus on some of the issues which must be addressed if self-determination and social justice are to prevail", said Massey University Māori Studies Department Head, Mason Durie in the opening speech to the hui.
"The extent to which a Māori development approach clashes with wider economic and restructuring goals is an issue for active debate. Not only is there a need to identify the broad strategies for Māori advancement on social, cultural and economic fronts, but the process for establishing priorities must be better accepted by Māori and Government."
He said that the Māori position will not necessarily be improved by the same strategies which are seen to be beneficial to New Zealand as a whole. "One cannot ignore the other, but neither should the aims and goals of each be blurred by an assumption that what is good for the nation is best for Māori. For that reason it is imperative that opportunities be created for Māori to plan their futures. The Hui Whakapūmau is one small step in that direction."
Speakers were invited to discuss a variety of themes ranging from "Māori Policy and Māori-Government Objectives" to "Māori Leadership" and "Priorities for Māori Development". In this issue the Editorial Board is pleased to feature two addresses from the Hui Whakapūmau, the first by Hekia Parata entitled "Mainstreaming – A Māori Affairs Policy?", and "Maori Demographic Trends" by Whetu Wereta.