Reports to the Minister for Social Development
November 2019
Each month we publish the titles of all the reports that the Ministry of Social Development provided to the Minister for Social Development and the Minister for Disability Issues.
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Disability Issues in November 2019 as at 20 December 2019
Title |
Date Received |
Report Number |
Meeting with Pat Mitchell and Maria Kekus, Health Connections |
01/11/2019 |
REP/19/10/991 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Victoria Manning |
01/11/2019 |
REP/19/10/1058 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with the Chief Ombudsman 12 November 2019 |
08/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1090 |
Aide memoire - Launch of the Disability Action Plan 2019-2023 |
08/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1104 |
New Zealand Sign Language Board Report 2019 |
13/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1107 |
Be. Leadership Graduation Ceremony |
15/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1150 |
The Attitude Awards |
15/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1106 |
All of Government Disabled Employee Network Afternoon Tea |
28/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1215 |
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Social Development in November 2019 as at 20 December 2019
Title |
Date Received |
Report Number |
Aide memoire - Amendment to Social Security Regulations to Allow for Changes to Cohort Entry Policy |
31/10/2019 |
REP/19/10/1072 |
Aide memoire - Child Poverty Action Group Summit 2019 |
01/11/2019 |
REP/19/9/923 |
s9(2)(f)(iv) |
01/11/2019 |
REP/19/10/1077 |
Enhancing the Security Eco-System |
01/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1079 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with PSA National Secretary Glenn Barclay |
01/11/2019 |
REP/19/10/1063 |
Aide memoire - Budget 2020: Priority C Pacific Ministers |
01/11/2019 |
REP/19/10/1064 |
Aide memoire - Budget 2020: Priority C (Pacific Only) |
01/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1084 |
Welfare Overhaul: s9(2)(f)(iv) |
01/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1117 |
Welfare Overhaul: s9(2)(f)(iv) |
01/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1097 |
Aide memoire - Housing Ministers’ meeting on Monday 4 November 2019 |
04/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1085 |
Aide memoire - ANZASW - the role of social workers |
04/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1081 |
Service Delivery - Strengthening our Service Culture (October update) |
04/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1087 |
Aide memoire - New Zealand Artificial Limbs Service: meeting with Board Chair George Reedy |
05/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1088 |
s9(2)(f)(iv) |
05/11/2019 |
REP/19/10/1073 |
s9(2)(f)(iv) |
05/11/2019 |
REP/19/10/1043 |
Aide memoire - Kickstart Breakfast Programme 10 year anniversary |
07/11/2019 |
REP/19/10/1029 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with E tū Union |
07/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1120 |
Draft Cabinet paper Clarification of Policy Matters to Support the Oversight of the Oranga Tamariki System and Children’s Commission Legislation Bill |
07/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1098 |
Temporary Accommodation Assistance (Canterbury Earthquake) Programme: options and further advice |
07/11/2019 |
REP/19/10/1017 |
Impacts of the Budget 2019 Income Support Package |
07/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1083 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Community Law Centres o Aotearoa |
07/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1082 |
Aide memoire - Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy Ministers Meeting |
08/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1122 |
Aide memoire - Mahi Aroha: Carers' Strategy Action Plan 2019-2023 |
08/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1105 |
Mana in Mahi – End October 2019 Progress Report |
08/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1091 |
Preventing and reducing homelessness in New Zealand: Managing demand and reducing reliance on motels |
08/11/2019 |
REP/19/10/1074 |
Budget 2020: Cost Pressure Late Submission Letter |
08/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1115 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Minister Henare |
11/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1132 |
Aide memoire - Family Violence/Sexual Violence Ministerial Group Meeting |
11/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1136 |
Individual Placement and Support trial (IPS) Steering Group meeting |
11/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1119 |
Aide memoire - 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (the Children’s Convention) and the Office of the Children’s Commissioner |
11/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1102 |
Legislation Programme 2020 - Overview of proposed bids |
11/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1092 |
Aide memoire – Individual Placement and Support trail (IPS) Steering Group Meeting |
11/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1119 |
Memo - Support for the Kiribati Community in Warkworth |
11/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1129 |
s9(2)(f)(iv) |
12/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1108 |
Aide memoire - Budget 2020: Priority C (Pacific Ministers) |
12/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1130 |
Aide memoire - Budget 2020: Priority B Ministers - Future of Work |
12/11/2019 |
REP/19/10/1066 |
Aide memoire - Budget 2020: Bilateral with the Minister of Finance (Cost Pressure initiatives) |
12/11/2019 |
REP/19/10/1068 |
Aide memoire - Preventing and reducing homelessness: Increasing supply in the short-term to reduce reliance on motels |
12/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1142 |
Aide memoire - Reforming financial assistance for caregivers: Proposed response to the review of the Foster Care Allowance, Orphan’s Benefit, Unsupported Child’s Benefit and related payments |
12/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1126 |
Amending the Guaranteed Childcare Assistance Programme in response to a change in cohort entry policy |
12/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1135 |
National View of Employment 30 September 2019 |
12/11/2019 |
Announced initiatives dashboard |
12/11/2019 |
Christchurch Mosque Attack response Agency Status Update 11 November 2019 |
12/11/2019 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with VisionWest Community Trust |
13/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1133 |
Quarterly Update on benefit use and Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) key results – September 2019 |
13/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1128 |
s9(2)(f)(iv) |
14/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1154 |
Aide memoire - Omoto slip financial assistance options |
14/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1153 |
Improving social work and social work education: Options |
14/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1100 |
Strengthening Oversight of the Oranga Tamariki System Programme - monthly progress report - October 2019 |
14/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1149 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Judge Andrew Becroft, the Children’s Commissioner |
14/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1158 |
Memo - Advice Kaingaroa Forest Village |
14/11/2019 |
Education-to-Employment Brokerage service |
15/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1094 |
Meeting with the Access Alliance, 19 November 2019 |
15/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1160 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Carers Alliance |
15/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1175 |
s9(2)(f)(iv) |
15/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1138 |
Aide memoire - Housing Ministers Meeting on Monday 18 November 2019 |
15/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1167 |
Preventing and reducing homelessness s9(2)(f)(iv) |
15/11/2019 |
BRF19/20110482 |
Preventing and reducing homelessness s9(2)(f)(iv) |
15/11/2019 |
BRF19/20110483 |
Presentation to Parliament of the 2018/19 Annual Report for the Social Workers Registration Board |
15/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1170 |
Supporting thriving, sustainable rural communities |
15/11/2019 |
Launch of the partnership between ATEED and MSD |
15/11/2019 |
Aide memoire - Social Workers Registration Board meeting with Minister Sepuloni |
19/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1185 |
Implementing the reforms to the employer assisted temporary work visa system |
19/11/2019 |
1464 19-20 |
Aide memoire - Visit to Napier and Hastings – 28 November 2019 |
20/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1144 |
Joint Aide Memoire - Meeting with Debbie Power, CE MSD and Melissa Gill, Executive Director, Independent Children's Monitor |
20/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1188 |
Aide memoire - Homelessness Work Programme |
20/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1195 |
Legislation Programme 2020 - Final Bids |
20/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1152 |
Auckland University of Technology research on the prevalence of in-work poverty in New Zealand |
20/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1186 |
s9(2)(f)(iv) |
21/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1141 |
s9(2)(f)(iv) |
21/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1179 |
Analysis of benefit flows September 2019 |
21/11/2019 |
Aide memoire - Tripartite Future of Work Forum 25 November 2019 |
21/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1156 |
Pacific Migrants Settlement Support |
22/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1172 |
Aide memoire - Visit to Northland Region– 27 November 2019 |
22/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1163 |
Presentation to Parliament of the 2018/19 Annual Report for the Office of the Children’s Commissioner |
22/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1187 |
Homelessness Package: s9(2)(f)(iv) |
22/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1110 |
Aide memoire - LSV Graduation Dinner 28 November 2019 |
22/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1151 |
Aide memoire - Housing Ministers Meeting on Monday 25 November 2019 |
22/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1202 |
The Future is Accessible: Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities |
26/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1204 |
Budget 2020: New initiatives submission |
27/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1212 |
Preventing and reducing homelessness s9(2)(f)(iv) |
27/11/2019 |
REP/19/10/1041 |
Aide memoire - E tū Northern Regional Women's Hui |
28/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1221 |
Proposed addition to your 2020 Legislation Programme |
28/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1219 |
Financial appropriations for drawdown from the consolidated homelessness contingency |
29/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1190 |
Aide memoire - Social Wellbeing Consideration of – Clarification of Policy Matters to Support the Oversight of the Oranga Tamariki System and Children's Commission Legislation Bill |
29/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1220 |
Aide memoire - Erima Henare Reo Development Awards 2019 |
29/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1181 |
CPC Employment Related Services Dashboard |
29/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1238 |
Aide memoire - Talking Points: November Employment Related Services Dashboard |
29/11/2019 |
REP/19/11/1238 |
Aide Memoire – Business Case on implementing the reforms to the Employer Assisted Work Visa system |
29/11/2019 |
REP/19/12/1293 |
Auckland Employment Placement July - September 2019 |