Reports to the Minister for Social Development and Employment and Minister for Disability Issues
July 2020
Each month we publish the titles of all the reports that the Ministry of Social Development provided to the Minister for Social Development and the Minister for Disability Issues.
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Disability Issues in July 2020 as at 20 August 2020
Title |
Date Received |
Report Number |
Appointment of members to the NZSL Board |
10/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/774 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Quality Education Ltd and Spinal Support NZ |
15/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/799 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Disabled People's Organisations Coalition |
20/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/796 |
Aide memoire - Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ - Official Launch |
21/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/821 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Rare Disorders NZ |
22/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/835 |
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Social Development in July 2020 as at 20 August 2020
Title |
Date Received |
Report Number |
Reducing Risks of COVID-19 Infections on Ministry Premises and Responses to Date |
29/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/734 |
Ministry of Social Development: Performance Exceptions Report as at 31 May 2020 |
30/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/658 |
Aide memoire - Kiingitanga Accord Ministerial Forum 2020 |
30/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/728 |
Aide memoire - Policy settings for the Māori Trades and Training Fund |
30/06/2020 |
REP/20/6/749 |
Second draw-down from the "Reducing risk in critical systems and implementing legislative change" contingencies |
1/07/2020 |
REP/20/6/718 |
Appointments to Crown entities and statutory tribunals |
2/07/2020 |
REP/20/6/707 |
Te Hiku Iwi - Crown Joint Work Programme (Te Hiku Iwi Crown Accord) |
2/07/2020 |
REP/20/6/714 |
Amending the Employment and Work Readiness Assistance Programme |
2/07/2020 |
REP/20/6/712 |
Approval for related policy changes in relation to the Oversight legislation |
2/07/2020 |
REP/20/6/741 |
2020/21 Statements of Performance Expectations; New Zealand Artificial Limb Service and Social Workers Registration Board |
3/07/2020 |
REP/20/6/748 |
Aide memoire - Wave 3: COVID-19 Recovery and Response Fund (CRRF) Cost Pressure Investment Package |
3/07/2020 |
REP/20/6/735 |
Aide memoire - Employment, Education and Training Meeting |
3/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/762 |
Draft Cabinet Paper - Welfare Overhaul: Removing the Additional Dependent Child Policy |
3/07/2020 |
REP/20/6/746 |
Advice from the Ministry of Social Development on the Health and Disability System Review Final Report |
3/07/2020 |
REP/20/6/724 |
Reducing Risks of COVID-19 Infections on Ministry Premises and Responses to Date |
6/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/765 |
Aide memoire - Visit to Waikato – 7 July 2020 |
6/07/2020 |
REP/20/6/740 |
Evidence Brief: The impacts of COVID-19 on one-off hardship assistance |
6/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/763 |
Aide memoire - Ngā Puna Pūkenga – Skills for Industry Programme |
8/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/775 |
Aide memoire - Bubblegum ‘Lets Stick Together’ Youth and Family Event |
8/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/768 |
2020/21 Estimates Examination of Vote Social Development: Approval of responses to post-hearing questions |
9/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/756 |
Aide memoire - Draft 2020/2021 MOU for the Children’s Commissioner |
10/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/758 |
Aide memoire - Visit to Queenstown and Alexandra – 14 and 15 July 20 |
10/07/2020 |
REP/20/6/745 |
Aide memoire - Visit to the Hawke’s Bay – 13 July 2020 |
10/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/780 |
Mana in Mahi - End June 2020 Progress Report |
10/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/772 |
Education and Social Development Report: further policy and implementation decisions for the Apprenticeship Boost Initiative |
10/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/757 |
Ministerial consultation on draft Cabinet paper on workforce planning for all social workers |
10/07/2020 |
REP/20/6/727 |
Reducing Risks of COVID-19 Infections on Ministry Premises and Responses to Date |
14/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/786 |
Aide memoire - National Council of Women New Zealand (NCWNZ) Meeting |
14/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/791 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Alyssa McCarty (Youth to Work Award Recipient) |
14/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/750 |
Aide memoire - Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) and Provincial Sectors Meeting 16 July 2020 |
14/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/766 |
Aide memoire - Talking Points: Employment-Related Services CPC Dashboard, June 2020 |
14/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/779 |
Request for approval of expenditure for 2020-2021 student awareness programme |
14/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/790 |
National Iwi Chairs Forum |
14/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/792 |
Advice on the Future of the Leave Support Scheme |
14/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/797 |
Aide memoire - Visit to Glenmall Community Link |
15/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/776 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Quality Education Services Limited |
15/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/801 |
Aide memoire - Visit to Affirming Works Community Café |
15/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/798 |
Removing the temporary changes to food grant limits as part of the COVID-19 response |
15/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/805 |
Aide memoire - Shape of the Children’s Commission and Oranga Tamariki System Oversight Legislation |
15/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/810 |
Wage Subsidy Assurance and Audit Processes - quarterly update |
16/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/800 |
Social Security (COVID-19 Recovery) Amendment Regulations 2020 |
16/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/764 |
Final Cabinet paper - Welfare Overhaul: Removing the Subsequent Child Policy |
16/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/789 |
Social Security Appeal Authority case – recommended next steps to address issues raised |
16/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/755 |
Jobs and Skills Hubs and Employment Services: strengthening engagement and delivery |
17/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/812 |
Draft Cabinet paper COVID-19 Wage Subsidy - Minor Implementation and Integrity Changes to the Wage Subsidy Scheme (Extension) |
17/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/814 |
Aide memoire - Welfare Overhaul: Removing the Subsequent Child Policy |
17/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/787 |
Aide memoire - Trans-Tasman Business Circle - "Why accessibility matters to business" |
17/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/802 |
The proposed future strategy for Elder Abuse Response Services |
19/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/818 |
Strengthening Oversight of the Oranga Tamariki System Programme – Monthly Progress Update – June 2020 |
20/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/785 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Horticulture and Viticulture Industries |
20/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/820 |
Aide memoire: Student Allowances (Christchurch Mosques Attack) Amendment Regulations 2020 |
20/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/788 |
Aide memoire - COVID Recovery - Work Plan for Attracting International Screen Production into New Zealand |
20/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/826 |
Aide memoire - Implementation of the MSD Auckland Action Plan |
22/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/815 |
COVID-19 Income Relief Payment - operational update and process for people transferring to a main benefit |
22/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/846 |
17-18 July Northland Floods |
22/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/849 |
Aide memoire - Student Allowances (Christchurch Mosques Attack) Amendment Regulations 2020 |
22/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/837 |
S9(2)(f)(iv) |
22/07/2020 |
REP/20/5/549 |
Cabinet paper - Social Sector Commissioning - progress, principles and next steps with appendix |
23/07/2020 |
N/A |
2020/21 Statements of Performance Expectations; New Zealand Artificial Limb Service and Social Workers Registration Board |
23/07/2020 |
REP/20/6/748 |
Aide memoire - Grace Foundation Women's Residence Opening Event |
23/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/855 |
Aide memoire - Employment, Education and Training Ministers group |
23/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/839 |
Proposed scope for the application of kaupapa Māori values to the welfare system |
23/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/829 |
Aide memoire - Parliamentary Champions for Accessibility Legislation Forum, 28 July 2020 |
23/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/803 |
Aide memoire - The future of social sector commissioning |
24/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/850 |
Aide memoire - Building Financial Capability debt solutions announcement |
24/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/861 |
Aide memoire - Social Security (COVID-19 Recovery: Exemption from Stand Down, and Expiry and Regrant of Benefits) Amendment Regulations |
24/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/793 |
Aide memoire - Future of Work Tripartite Forum |
24/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/840 |
Instrument amending the Employment and Work Readiness Assistance Programme for Ministerial approval |
24/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/838 |
Proposed approach for reviewing obligations and sanctions of the Social Security Act 2018 and relevant regulations |
24/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/804 |
S9(2)(f)(iv) |
24/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/833 |
Options to remove the temporary operational changes made to food grant limits as part of COVID-19 response |
27/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/844 |
Further decisions to implement the Apprenticeship Boost Initiative |
27/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/813 |
Update on Court Support Service for Victim/Survivors of Sexual Violence |
28/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/841 |
Aide memoire - Housing Work Programme Update |
28/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/863 |
Compulsory money management in the Youth Service |
28/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/819 |
Vote Social Development 2019/2020 Non-Departmental Appropriations Report |
29/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/823 |
Taumata Rangatira Hui - 30 July 2020 (Te Hiku Crown Accord) |
29/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/811 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Barnardos - 30 July 2020 |
29/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/884 |
Aide memoire - COVID-19 Wage Subsidy – Minor Implementation and Integrity Changes to the Wage Subsidy Scheme (Extension) |
29/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/887 |
Aide memoire - Employment, Education and Training Ministers group |
29/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/886 |
Social Workers Complaints and Disciplinary Tribunal appointments process progress report |
30/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/832 |
Using Information to Improve Public Housing Services – Progress in Responding to the Auditor General’s Recommendations |
30/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/898 |
Sexual violence services strategic and implementation programme |
30/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/877 |
Contracts and Relationship Management Service Agreement with Oranga Tamariki |
30/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/876 |
Flexible Funding Welfare Programme |
30/07/2020 |
REP/19/12/1252 |
Welfare programme amendments for the introduction of the emergency housing contribution |
30/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/843 |
Aide memoire - Social Security (COVID-19 Recovery – Exemption from Stand Down, and Expiry and Regrant of Benefits) Amendment Regulations 2020 |
30/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/885 |
COVID-19 Income Relief Payment – Characteristics and uptake |
30/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/854 |
COVID-19 Income Relief Payment – Eligibility criteria |
30/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/874 |
Resuming implementation of changes to the refugee re-establishment grant |
30/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/834 |
Update on the use of automation in the income support system |
30/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/857 |
Review of the purposes and principles of the Social Security Act 2018: Next Steps |
30/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/890 |
Jobseeker Support Work-Ready grants and cancellations during and after lockdown in NZ - impacts to the seventh week of Alert Level 1 |
31/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/893 |
Impact of COVID-19 on Benefit Receipt Rates in Historic Perspective |
31/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/900 |
Living Wage for MSD Security Guards (Tautiaki) |
31/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/896 |
Budget 2020 Implementation Unit Reporting Additional Information |
31/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/901 |
Aide memoire - Supplementary Order Paper to the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill: Approval for release |
31/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/892 |
Meeting with CCS Disability Action re: Disability Allowance |
31/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/858 |
Ministerial Satisfaction Survey 2019/20 |
31/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/897 |