Reports to the Minister for Social Development
July 2019
Each month we publish the titles of all the reports that the Ministry of Social Development provided to the Minister for Social Development and the Minister for Disability Issues.
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Disability Issues in July 2019 as at 20 August 2019
Title |
Date Received |
Report number |
Meeting with the Auckland Council Disability Advisory Panel |
4/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/591 |
Meeting with Disability Resource Centre (NorthAble) - Whangarei |
5/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/588 |
Meeting with CCS Disability Action, Whangarei |
5/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/596 |
Meeting with Laurie Hilsgen from Carers NZ (iChoose and System Transformation) |
9/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/607 |
Report Launch, Community Led - Spaces of Belonging - Speaking notes |
10/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/609 |
Housing New Zealand Accessibility Symposium |
11/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/614 |
Aide memoire - Report Launch, Community Led - Spaces of Belonging |
15/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/609 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with AccessAbility Group |
15/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/621 |
Meeting with the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind and the Association of Blind Citizens of New Zealand |
17/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/604 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with the Disables People's Organisations Coalition |
22/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/633 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Living Streets Aotearoa |
22/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/645 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with 3DHB Sub-Regional Disability Advisory Group |
22/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/657 |
Appointment of Chair for the New Zealand Sign Language Board |
23/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/662 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Dsport |
24/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/661 |
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Social Development in July 2019 as at 20 August 2019
Title |
Date Received |
Report number |
Children's Commissioner: run-on arrangements for Judge Andrew Becroft |
1/07/2019 |
REP/19/6/488 |
Meeting with Peter Matthewson (Unitec) - 10 July 2019 |
1/07/2019 |
REP/19/6/575 |
Tree planting with Deaf Action (Whangarei) - 9 July 2019 |
3/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/587 |
Mosque Attack Response Status update |
3/07/2019 |
Client Experience Survey Launch 8th of July |
2/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/586 |
Children's Commissioner: Draft 2019/2020 Statement of Performance Expectations and MOU |
4/07/2019 |
REP/17/7/584 |
Request measure change on Estimates 2019/20 |
4/07/2019 |
REP/19/6/574 |
New Zealand Artificial Limb Service: 2019/2020 Statement of Performance Expectations |
4/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/583 |
Social Workers Registration Board: 2019/2020 Statement of Performance Expectations and MOU |
4/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/582 |
Mana in Mahi - June 2019 Progress Report |
5/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/588 |
Visit to Chatham Islands |
8/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/592 |
Pacific Strategy and Action Plan |
10/07/2019 |
REP/19/6/522 |
Briefing for incoming Ministers: Housing |
10/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/602 |
Quarterly benefits June 2019 A3 |
12/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/597 |
Quarterly benefits June 2019 Report |
12/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/597 |
Ministerial Satisfaction Survey 2018/2019 |
5/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/590 |
s9(2)(f)(iv) |
15/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/613 |
Taumata Rangatira Hui - 8 August 2019 (Te Hiku Iwi Crown Accord) |
16/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/611 |
Service Delivery - Enhancing the Security Eco-System |
12/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/612 |
Delivering expanded Housing Support Products |
17/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/632 BRF18/19060319 |
Minister Sepuloni's visit to Ohakune |
17/06/2019 |
REP/19/7/616 |
Community Representative Appointments for the Benefits Review Committee - Auckland Region |
12/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/589 |
Welfare Overhaul: s9(2)(f)(iv) |
17/07/2019 |
REP/19/6/537 |
One Billion Trees - MSD Support for 2019 Planting Season Labour Needs |
11/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/587 |
Better Every Day visit |
18/07/2019 |
REP/19/3/189 |
Meeting with Equal Employment Opportunities Commissioner |
18/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/627 |
Welfare Overhaul: s9(2)(f)(iv) |
10/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/637 |
Aide memoire - Meeting with Workbridge |
18/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/610 |
Aide memoire - More Effective Social Services – MOGSSER item |
19/07/2019 |
REP OT/19/7/197 |
2019/20 Estimates Examination for Vote Social Development: responses to pre-hearing written questions |
19/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/629 |
Welfare Overhaul: s9(2)(f)(iv) |
19/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/628 |
Welfare Overhaul: s9(2)(f)(iv) |
19/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/634 |
Privacy Commissioner's Report into the use of Schedule 6 (Section 11) Powers - Implementation Plan |
23/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/624 |
Aide memoire - meeting with Associate Professor Scott Duncan, Auckland University of Technology |
23/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/639 |
Welfare overhaul: s9(2)(f)(iv) |
23/07/2019 |
REP/19/6/552 |
Aide memoire - Establishing Regional Skills Leadership Groups |
23/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/666 |
Aide memoire - Labour Market Ministers Group meeting |
24/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/648 |
Employment Campaign update |
24/07/2019 |
N/A |
s9(2)(f)(iv) |
24/07/2019 |
N/A |
s9(2)(f)(iv) |
25/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/660 |
Reform of the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 - Improving security of tenure and compliance |
26/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/664 |
Taumata Rangatira Hui - 8 August 2019 (Te Hiku Iwi Crown Accord) |
26/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/671 |
Aide memoire - Phase two policy settings for Mana in Mahi - strength in work |
26/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/672 |
Aide memoire - for All of Government Employment Strategy and Youth Employment Action Plan |
26/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/676 |
Aide memoire - for SWC Preventing and reducing homelessness in New Zealand |
29/07/2019 |
AM19/20070129 |
Wellington Regional Staff Forum |
29/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/696 |
Aide memoire - Wellington Regional Staff Forum |
29/07/2019 |
REP/19/7/696 |