Reports to the Minister for Social Development and Employment and Minister for Disability Issues - August 2020
Each month we publish the titles of all the reports that the Ministry of Social Development provided to the Minister for Social Development and the Minister for Disability Issues.
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Disability Issues in August 2020 as at 20 September 2020
Title |
Date Received |
Report Number |
New Zealand Sign Language Board Annual Report 2020 |
20/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/879 |
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Social Development in August 2020 as at 20 September 2020
Title |
Date Received |
Report Number |
Vote Social Development 2019/20 Non-Departmental Appropriations Report |
31/07/2020 |
REP/20/7/823 |
Historic Claims work programme update |
4/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/881 |
Residency amendments to the Ministerial Direction on Eligibility for Social Housing and the Ministerial Direction on Continued Eligibility for Social Housing |
4/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/862 |
Update on the Training Incentive Allowance |
4/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/864 |
S9(2)(f)(iv) |
4/08/2020 |
REP/20/6/685 |
Statement of Contingent Assets and Liabilities as at 30 June 2020 |
5/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/905 |
Short-term immigration policy changes: Report back on streamlining the Skills Match Report process |
5/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/752 |
Drawdown of contingency for the closure of the Temporary Accommodation Assistance (Canterbury Earthquakes) Programme |
5/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/771 |
Aide memoire - Employment, Education and Training Ministers Group |
5/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/912 |
Publishing: Is participation in Early Childhood Education related to child health and development? |
6/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/895 |
Publishing: Early Self-Control Development: Prevalence, Persistence and Change in a New Zealand Cohort |
6/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/773 |
Publishing: Are New Zealand children meeting the Ministry of Health guidelines for sleep? |
6/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/871 |
Mana in Mahi - End July 2020 Progress Report |
7/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/903 |
Reducing Risks of COVID-19 Infections on Ministry Premises and Responses to Date |
10/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/917 |
Memo - Accommodation Supplement - Queenstown issues |
11/08/2020 |
N/A |
Legislative updates to existing instruments of delegation to the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development |
11/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/913 |
Children's Commissioner: 2020/21 Statement of Performance Expectations |
12/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/875 |
Aide memoire - meeting between Minister Sepuloni and Judge Becroft 13 August 2020 |
12/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/926 |
Joint Ministers' Report 2020 Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Update of Benefit Forecasts for Vote Social Development |
12/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/795 |
Children's Commissioner: 2020/21 Statement of Performance Expectations |
13/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/875 |
Report for publication: Who received the Wage Subsidy and Wage Subsidy Extension? |
13/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/918 |
Memo - Update on managing regional boundary issues during alert levels |
14/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/935 |
Responsiveness Community Resurgence – Update on food secure communities, funding for providers and distribution of face coverings |
14/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/929 |
COVID-19 impact on the Limited Service Volunteer Programme |
14/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/933 |
Social Security Appeal Authority: appointment documents |
14/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/870 |
Childcare Assistance – maintaining funding levels throughout the COVID-19 Alert Levels |
14/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/927 |
Aide memoire - Oral item – options for extending Wage Subsidy Support |
14/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/934 |
Aide memoire - Zoom meetings with Sites |
17/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/939 |
Aide memoire - Creating a Resurgence Wage Subsidy Scheme and Amending the Leave Support Scheme |
17/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/936 |
Reducing Risks of COVID-19 Infections on Ministry Premises and Responses to Date |
18/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/937 |
COVID-19 Resurgence Planning and Operations - Overview of MSD roles and responsibilities |
18/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/931 |
Provincial Growth Fund redeployment applications |
18/08/2020 |
N/A |
Social Workers Registration Board: 2020/21 Memorandum of Understanding |
20/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/924 |
Use of Private Rental Properties for Emergency Housing |
20/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/944 |
Publishing Social Inclusion in New Zealand: Rapid Evidence Review |
20/08/2020 |
REP/20/5/548 |
Publishing the Social and Psychosocial Impacts of COVID-19; a rapid evidence review |
20/08/2020 |
REP/20/7/859 |
Aide memoire - Multilateral Meeting to Discuss COVID-19 Impact on Social Security and Welfare |
21/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/941 |
Aide memoire - Social Security (COVID-19—Childcare Assistance) Amendment Regulations 2020 |
21/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/946 |
Aide memoire - Oral Item: Extending the Resurgence Wage Subsidy Scheme |
24/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/948 |
Aide memoire - Zoom meetings with Sites |
25/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/952 |
Strengthening Oversight of the Oranga Tamariki System Programme – monthly progress report – July 2020 |
26/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/943 |
COVID-19 Resurgence - Access to Accommodation Overview |
26/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/956 |
Reducing Risks of COVID-19 Infections on Ministry Premises and Responses to Date |
27/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/951 |
Welfare Overhaul: Kaupapa Māori Values Engagement |
27/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/959 |
Poipoia te kākano kia puawai: Family structure, change and the wellbeing of tamariki Māori |
27/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/921 |
S9(2)(f)(iv) |
27/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/955 |
Joint Report - Modifications to the COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme |
28/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/960 |
Aide memoire - Zoom Meetings with Sites |
31/08/2020 |
REP/20/8/963 |