Reports to the Minister for Social Development for April 2020
Each month we publish the titles of all the reports that the Ministry of Social Development provided to the Minister for Social Development and the Minister for Disability Issues.
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Disability Issues in April 2020 as at 20 May 2020
Title |
Date Received |
Report Number |
Update on the Accessibility of Information as part of the COVID-19 |
08/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/355 |
Aide-memoire: Meeting with the New Zealand Disability Support Network regarding the COVID-19 Response |
14/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/379 |
Aide-memoire: Meeting with the DPO Coalition regarding the COVID-19 Response |
14/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/371 |
Aide-memoire: Meeting with the Disability Rights Commissioner |
13/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/373 |
Aide-memoire: Cabinet Paper on Measures and Guidance, at Alert Level 3, for People at Risk of Severe Illness because of Age and/or Existing and Underlying Health Conditions |
22/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/408 |
Aide-memoire: Meeting with the Disabled People’s Organisations Coalition |
29/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/424 |
Reports provided by the Ministry of Social Development to the Minister for Social Development in April 2020 as at 20 May 2020
Title |
Date Received |
Report Number |
Aide-memoire: Joint Ministerial meeting on Income Support: 2 April |
01/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/328 |
Aide-memoire: COVID-19 Establishing an essential workers leave support scheme |
01/04/2020 |
REP/20/3/323 |
Aide-memoire: Funding and Safety of Childcare for essential workers |
01/04/2020 |
REP/20/03/320 |
Services and Support information - A3 |
01/04/2020 |
Implications of COVID-19 on progressing the Children's Commission and Independent Oversight of the Oranga Tamariki System Legislation Bill |
03/04/2020 |
REP/20/03/324 |
Food and other household necessities - summary of current work underway |
01/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/345 |
Aide-memoire: Financial Support for New Zealanders temporarily overseas who are in financial distress due to the COVID-19 pandemic |
02/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/337 |
Aide-memoire: Temporary Accommodation Service's COVID-19 Response |
02/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/338 |
COVID-19 Disability Update for the week ending 3 April 2020 |
02/04/2020 |
REP/20/04/342 |
Making Wage Subsidy Companies Public |
03/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/343 |
s(9)(2)(f)(iv) |
03/04/2020 |
REP/20/3/325 |
Effects of non-payment of Childcare Assistance |
03/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/348 |
Funding an Extension to the Christchurch Mosques Attack Welfare Programme |
02/04/2020 |
REP/20/2/103 |
Aide-memoire: Housing Ministers meeting on Monday 6 April 2020 |
05/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/347 |
Aide-memoire: Meeting with representatives of the National Beneficiaries Advocacy Consultative Group (NBACG) |
06/04/2020 |
REP/20/04/362 |
Further advice on transitional income support for low-to-middle income people experiencing sudden drops in incomes |
07/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/364 |
Aide-memoire: Meeting with Carers Alliance |
7/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/339 |
Delaying the implementation of refugee re-establishment grant changes |
09/04/2020 |
REP/20/3/229 |
Disability Allowance verification requirements |
9/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/366 |
COVID-19 Disability Update for the week ending 10 April 2020 |
08/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/361 |
Uptake and estimated costs of essential workers childcare |
8/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/372 |
Aide-memoire: COVID-19-ensuring income continuity and adequacy of student support |
9/04/2020 |
REP/20/3/346 |
Aide-memoire: Implementing our agreed approach to paying benefits and pensions to those stranded overseas |
9/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/360 |
Memo COVID-19 Lockdown - Labour Market and Industry Update |
14/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/380 |
Aide-memoire: Update on Temporary Accommodation Service Response COVID-19 |
15/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/381 |
COVID-19: Community and NGO support update - 9 April |
15/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/369 |
Aide-memoire: Provincial Growth Fund: COVID-19 response – redeployment and acceleration |
15/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/388 |
Work & Income Digital Employment Platform |
16/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/390 |
MSD COVID-19 Situation Report #38 |
16/04/2020 |
MSD COVID-19 Situation Report #39 |
16/04/2020 |
s(9)(2)(f)(iv) |
15/04/2020 |
REP/20/3/266 |
Aide-memoire: Meeting with representatives of the National Beneficiaries Advocacy Consultative Group (NBACG) |
16/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/394 |
Aide-memoire: Worker Redeployment Package – Next Phase |
20/04/2020 |
REP20/4/398 |
Wage Subsidy Auditing |
20/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/401 |
Clarification on eligibility for the current COVID-19 wage subsidy and leave scheme (the Schemes) and the implementation approach |
17/04/2020 |
REP20/4/391 |
Aide-memoire: Broadening access to the COVID-19 Leave Payment Scheme |
19/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/396 |
COVID-19 Disability Update for the week ending 17 April 2020 |
16/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/385 |
MSD operations from Alert Level 3 |
20/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/411 |
Approval request - family violence prevention campaign advertising to respond to COVID-19 |
20/04/2020 |
REP/20/04/387 |
Aide-memoire: Widening the criteria for financial support to Local Authorities to provide welfare assistance in response to COVID-19 |
20/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/405 |
Work and Income Online Recruitment Tool Update |
21/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/417 |
MSD communications approach from Alert Level 3 |
21/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/415 |
MSD Employment Services: responding to COVID-19 |
22/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/418 |
Strengthening Oversight of the Oranga Tamariki System Programme - Monthly Progress Report - March 2020 |
21/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/384 |
MSD COVID-19 Situation Report #41 |
22/04/2020 |
MSD COVID-19 Situation Report #42 |
22/04/2020 |
MSD COVID-19 Situation Report #43 |
22/04/2020 |
Employment Initiatives and regional stories |
22/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/420 |
Aide-memoire: Meeting with Mayor of Auckland: Regional impact of COVID-19 |
23/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/423 |
COVID-19 Disability Update for the week ending 24 April 2020 |
23/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/402 |
Joint Ministers' Report 2020 Budget Economic and Fiscal update of Benefit Forecasts for Vote Social Development |
23/04/2020 |
REP/20/04/356 |
MSD COVID-19 Situation Report #44 |
22/04/2020 |
Aide-memoire: Addressing labour shortages in primary industries |
24/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/429 |
Draft Cabinet paper – Adjustment to the Residential Care Subsidy as part of the Annual General Adjustment 2020 |
21/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/404 |
MSD COVID-19 Situation Report #45 |
24/04/2020 |
Amendments to the New Zealanders Stranded Overseas Support and Christchurch Mosques Attack Welfare Programmes |
24/04/2020 |
REP20/4/425 |
Wage subsidy and leave payment schemes – overview of assurance and audit processes |
24/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/427 |
MSD COVID-19 Situation Report #46 |
24/04/2020 |
Employer Survey Advice |
28/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/433 |
Aide-memoire: Provincial Growth Fund: COVID-19 response – redeployment and acceleration |
28/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/446 |
Aide-memoire: Meeting with National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges (NCIWR), 29 April 2020 |
29/04/2020 |
REP/20/04/445 |
Aide-memoire: Meeting with the Access Alliance: Accelerating Accessibility |
29/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/447 |
Accelerating accessibility: options to progress the work |
29/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/416 |
Aide-memoire: Labour Market Ministerial Group Meeting 30 April 2020 |
30/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/448 |
Aide-memoire: Pacific Health Expert Advisory Group |
30/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/455 |
MSD COVID-19 Situation Report #47 |
28/04/2020 |
MSD COVID-19 Situation Report #48 |
29/04/2020 |
MSD COVID-19 Situation Report #49 |
30/04/2020 |
Appointments to Crown entities and statutory tribunals |
30/04/2020 |
REP/20/2/066 |
COVID-19: Community and NGO support update - 23 April |
30/04/2020 |
REP/20/4/435 |