Coversheet - Report Back on a Wage Supplement Approach to Replace Minimum Wage Exemption Permits
This is an accessable version of the Coversheet - Report Back on a Wage Supplement Approach to Replace Minimum Wage Exemption Permits.
Hon Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Disability Issues and Social Development
Hon Iain Lees-Galloway, Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety
These documents have been proactively released.
20 November 2019, Cabinet paper, Report Back on a Wage Supplement Approach to Replace Minimum Wage Exemption Permits
20 November 2019, Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee Minute [SWC-19-MIN-0189]
25 November 2019, Cabinet Minute [CAB-19-MIN-0610]
The papers released provide an update to Cabinet on the design of a wage supplement approach to replace minimum wage exemption permits, following consultation with the disability sector.
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Key to Redaction Code used for this release:
- Section 9(2)(f)(iv): This information is under active consideration. The release of this information at this time would be likely to prejudice the ability of the government to consider advice and the wider public interest of effective government would not be served.
- Out of scope – Material unrelated to the information being released.
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Search Tags: Minimum Wage Exemption Permits, Wage Supplement, disability, employment, Disability Action Plan.