Social Housing Valuation report 2015
The baseline 2015 Social Housing Valuation (SHV) Report of the Social Housing system, provides a benchmark which we can look back at in future years to track progress and measure how effective new initiatives, policy and projects have been at helping those most in need.
It captures the first full year that MSD had some responsibility for social housing and builds on information from similar annual benefit system valuations.
The SHV helps MSD to:
- Understand the factors which are likely to increase clients’ needs for social housing and what the lifetime cost of these needs will be.
- Differentiate between the needs of different client groups in social housing, for example between those on New Zealand Superannuation, those in employment, those on benefit short-term and those with a long-term health condition or disability.
- Focus our efforts on those areas that will make the biggest difference for our clients.
- Identify the most effective use of our spend on social housing places and support services.
As the valuation becomes deeper and more sophisticated every year, we anticipate building our understanding about what the people we work with need to thrive and be independent. That knowledge is fed back into our work programme to understand the impact of policy changes and MSD’s performance.