The Beehive building

Supporting more disabled people across Aotearoa New Zealand – Budget 2022

Enabling Good Lives – We’re creating better options for disabled people and their whānau to have more control over the supports they receive so they can live the lives they choose.

Government has allocated $100 million to the new Ministry for Disabled People to extend Enabling Good Lives (EGL) to more of the disabled population and their whānau, progressing towards  a nationwide roll-out of the Enabling Good Lives approach.

This initiative will extend Enabling Good Lives (EGL) to more of the disabled population and their whānau, progressing towards a national rollout of the EGL approach. This includes providing Connectors/Kaitūhono to help people navigate assistance, achieve more seamless support and easier to access funding.

  • Disability is a priority area for the Government, reflected in the establishment of a new Ministry for Disabled People from 1 July 2022.
  • This is a contingency in the Budget forecast to enable the Ministry for Disabled People, once established, to progress the rollout of the Enabling Good Lives approach nationally. The contingency can be accessed when there is a clear agreed operating framework and implementation plan.
  • Disabled people and their whānau have been calling for better support and greater control over how they are supported. The Enabling Good Lives transformation allows them more decision-making over supports and how they can be used to create better option

A national model for delivery of the Disability System Transformation based on the EGL approach and implementation plan will show how funding will be used and the phasing of the expenditure.

  • This funding will support the realisation of the aspirations of the disabled community generally to have more control over the supports and options that they have for living the lives they choose
  • The implementation plan for EGL is being developed in partnership with the community.
  • No regulatory or legislative change is required to draw down this contingency. The use of this funding may be informed by possible legislative changes made to support the establishment of the Ministry for Disabled People.

Costs (operating)

Tagged Contingency





2025/26 & outyears



$14.600 million

$17.500 million

$27.400 million

$40.500 million

$100.000 million