Media outlet enquiries
If you're a media outlet and have a query about the Ministry of Social Development (MSD), Work and Income, Disability Support Services, StudyLink, Ministry of Youth Development, or The Office for Senior Citizens, please contact the MSD Media team.
Phone: 04 916 3496
Media queries related to clients
We're happy to provide comment on issues relating to individual clients. In order to do so, we need a privacy waiver so we know the client has given permission for us to share relevant information with you.
Clients can either sign a paper form, submit an online form or send the information by text.
When the request relates to a couple, it is advisable to get consent from each person.
Privacy waiver
Please use the privacy consent form below.
We will accept a scanned or photographed copy of that form from the client if it’s emailed to us from the address we have on file for the client.
If you’re sending in a scanned or photographed copy of that form on the client’s behalf, please also include a scanned copy or photo of the client’s identification, preferably with a photo and a signature on the ID.
Sending privacy waivers by text
We’ll also accept a client’s information if it’s sent by text message.
The client needs to state that they are giving us permission to release their details to your specific media outlet, along with the following information:
- Full name
- Date of birth
- Address
- SWN (client no)
- Mobile
- Email address
Then they can either:
- text it to us (we’ll provide you with a number to give them for this)
- text it to you so that you can send it to us by screenshot. The screenshot will need to show the client’s mobile number, so we can match it up with the number we have on file for them.
The Official Information Act and media responses
The Ministry of Social Development takes seriously its obligations under the Official Information Act 1982. That includes responding to requests for official information via media queries.