Launch of new family violence prevention frameworks – E Tū Whānau, Pasefika Proud, It’s Not OK
06 July 2020.
The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has today launched three five-year frameworks (2019-2023) for the prevention of family violence across Aotearoa.
Developed in partnership with communities around New Zealand, the prevention frameworks cover three existing MSD initiatives – E Tū Whānau, Pasefika Proud and It’s Not OK.
E Tū Whānau is a kaupapa Maori strategy, which has also been embraced by former refugee and migrant communities; Pasefika Proud has been developed in partnership with Pacific communities in New Zealand; and the Campaign for Action, with its primary campaign It’s Not OK, uses public health, community action and social marketing approaches to shift harmful norms and attitudes, and promote positive behaviour change in men.
Each initiative has its own particular community focus and audience, but the collective impact of this work is to create long term positive change for families.
This work will be crucial in the Government’s COVID-19 response and recovery. It will support some of our most vulnerable families and communities to build strength and resilience as they face the impacts of COVID-19.
This body of work also makes a valuable contribution to the Government’s cross-agency Joint Venture and the development of a national strategy for the elimination of family and sexual violence.