Information on COVID-19 Alert Level 1
Alert Level 1 for social sector organisations
At Alert Level 1, people are able to return to work, travel domestically and gather together without restrictions. Controls at the border remain for those entering New Zealand, including health screening and testing for all arrivals, and mandatory 14-day managed quarantine or isolation.
At Alert Level 1, the social services sector is asked to:
- maintain basic hygiene measures including regularly washing hands and coughing or sneezing into elbows
- continue to keep track of where staff have been and who they’ve seen to assist with rapid contact tracing if required, and organisations should assist by displaying the Ministry of Health QR code at their facilities
- check wellness and take precautions when staff or someone you are providing services to has cold or flu-like symptoms or potential/confirmed COVID-19
- be prepared to act fast to step up Alert Levels if we have to, including the potential for a shift within some regions only.
Preparing for changes to Alert Levels
It is important to recognise that there is still a global COVID-19 pandemic and it is possible that there may be future outbreaks in this country. Consequently, we should all make preparations for this which includes:
- reviewing business continuity plans in the light of your experience of COVID-19
- considering the impact on your services should some regions return to a higher alert level while others do not
- actively preparing for a possible increase in alert levels, which may include stocking up on PPE and other resources you need to operate.