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$27m COVID-19 boost for select essential social services

In response to COVID-19, the Government is making sure essential social services continue to support communities during COVID-19 Alert Level 4.

$27m package for select essential social services

The Government announced $27 million new funding on 26 March 2020 so select essential social services can keep delivering for communities through COVID-19.

This additional funding is targeted to individuals and groups where risks are known to be higher as a result of COVID-19. It is specifically for essential services that:

  • Make sure people have access to the food and other goods they need
  • Provide a place for people to live
  • Support disabled people to maintain critical wellbeing
  • Keep families safe from harm and offer crisis support

More information about the new funding and how it’s being used:

  • Up to $16 million to bolster essential services for at risk groups: so they keep supporting at-risk individuals, families, whānau and communities and can respond to increased demand (this includes for family and sexual violence services).
  • Up to $6 million for disability providers: so disabled people stay supported during the lockdown and periods of self-isolation, limiting the impacts of anxiety and loneliness.
  • Up to $4.8 million for community grants: so innovative, community-led solutions support local resilience.
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