Ministers' foreword
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed things for the whole economy and for all communities. However, it has not changed Government’s commitment to improve employment outcomes for the many people in New Zealand who have disability or health needs. It will help ensure an inclusive economic recovery from COVID-19 where disabled people and people with health conditions can participate as they want to, on an equal basis with others. Through this and the broader kaupapa in this plan we recognise international human rights and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Early in 2020 we asked stakeholders about this plan, including representatives of disabled people and people with health conditions and their whānau as well as employers, unions and service providers. We heard about their priorities and how important the plan is to them.
While action details have needed adjustment to address a post-COVID-19 economic context, the agreed objectives and priorities remain relevant and important. This plan will provide critical guidance for all agencies and industries currently working on employment initiatives. It will help to ensure opportunities to improve outcomes for disabled people and people with health conditions are sought, recognised and prioritised as new ways of working are developed across all of New Zealand.
Hon Carmel Sepuloni
Minister for Social Development
Working matters for all people and I welcome this Action Plan to support our disabled whānau, where they are able, to access employment opportunities and sustainable work. Work can be an important way in which we contribute to our communities, make social connections, learn new skills and support our health and wellbeing. Work is also key to transforming our economy and we need to ensure all people, including our disabled whānau, are supported to realise their full potential in order to build a successful and inclusive economic future.
This all-of-government action plan is one of several plans that will support the Government’s Employment Strategy. We want everyone working together to deliver a productive, sustainable and inclusive New Zealand. This is the promise of our Government’s Employment Strategy and of this underpinning Action Plan.
Hon Willie Jackson
Minister for Employment