Demand for housing
Demand for housing across New Zealand is growing and more people are experiencing a severe and immediate need. This demand is generated by a shortage of affordable housing driving up house prices and rents. People on low incomes are most affected by rising housing costs and many seek financial help through the Ministry of Social Development.
The Social Housing Register
When New Zealanders are in need of public housing, their needs are recorded on the Social Housing Register, which is comprised of a Housing Register and a Transfer Register. The Housing Register is prioritised by need and consists of applicants who have been assessed as being eligible for public housing. The Transfer Register is made up of people already in public housing, but who have requested and are eligible for a transfer to another property.
People on the Social Housing Register are generally in some form of housing, with 95% of applicants on the register already receiving housing support from MSD.
Housing Quarterly Report – demand, supply and support
The Housing Quarterly Report contains key facts and information about the Social Housing Register and emergency housing Special Needs Grants (SNG). The report also contains information on the housing support provided by the Ministry, the supply of public social houses, emergency and transitional housing, demand for public housing and the movement of people through the public housing system.