Transition of Disability Support Services to MSD
15 August 2024.
Following decisions by Cabinet and announcements by Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston, the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) will be working with the Ministry of Disabled People - Whaikaha to ensure a smooth transition of Disability Support Services (DSS) to MSD in coming weeks.
“We know these support services are extremely important in people’s lives, and we will be working to put them on a consistent and sustainable basis over time, in line with Cabinet decisions”, said MSD Chief Executive Debbie Power.
For disabled people who receive DSS, their point of contact will continue to be their NASC, host or EGL demonstration site. Disabled people should continue to work with the providers they currently work with and continue to use the current processes and channels with which to raise any concerns or suggestions.
Responsibility for services will transition over to MSD to a business unit responsible for providing Disability Support Services, to be in place by October. This will be a separate business unit from MSD’s Work and Income client services.
“We have seconded an experienced senior public servant, Chris Bunny, to lead that transition and to head an interagency Taskforce to focus on implementing the recommendations that came out of the independent review into the sustainability of Disability Support Services, which was led by Sir Maarten Wevers.
“The Taskforce will be based at MSD and begin building up immediately. They’ll be reviewing policy and operational settings for DSS eligibility and guidance, with an aim to improve fairness, prioritise those with the highest needs, and reduce regional variability in how DSS and Enabling Good Lives operate across New Zealand. Decisions will be made at the end of 2024. There will be opportunities for engagement with the disability community and sector during the Taskforce’s work.” said Ms Power.
Mr Bunny is currently Group General Manager of System leadership at NZ NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi and has also previously held senior roles in MBIE and MSD. He has a strong financial management background and experience running large complex systems and services.
MSD is responsible for more than $40 billion in government appropriations annually and is the lead agency for the delivery of social welfare services in New Zealand.
For further information please refer to the Minister’s announcement below.