19 new homes for South Auckland families
06 July 2018.
Up to 76 South Auckland families each year will benefit from 19 brand new homes in Manurewa that opened as transitional housing today [Friday, 6 July].
Associate Housing and Urban Development Minister Jenny Salesa formally opened the housing development on Sturdee Road today.
The development is a joint project: Housing New Zealand (HNZ) built the housing and the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has contracted STRIVE Community Trust to manage the properties and support the people living there.
The homes offer short-term housing for families who urgently need a place to live while they look for a longer-term home, says STRIVE Chief Executive Sharon Wilson-Davis.
Sharon Wilson-Davis says the new homes are much needed and several of the units have already been let to families. STRIVE staff are onsite every day working alongside each family, providing practical and emotional support to help them into a stronger situation and better able to find longer-term suitable homes.
"I cannot overstate how grateful families are to have onsite support and a stable, warm place to live while we help get their lives back on track and find permanent affordable homes," Sharon Wilson-Davis says.
"Anyone who has met a parent who has just learned they do not have to worry about where their family will sleep next week, and that someone is there to support them, will understand the impact of transitional housing."
STRIVE has been supporting the South Auckland community with a range of services for more than 20 years.
MSD Housing Deputy Chief Executive Scott Gallacher says transitional housing and providers such as STRIVE help make sure that people in urgent need of housing have support and a warm, dry place to live.
"The long-term goal is to have enough public housing to meet demand, but this cannot be done overnight.
"Government and housing providers are bringing on 6,400 more public housing places over the next four years. Meanwhile, we are doing what it takes to ensure no one in need of housing goes unsupported. Transitional housing is an important part of that.
"We now have more than 2,100 transitional places across New Zealand. As of 31 May, 912 of these were in Auckland, supporting more than 3,600 families each year."
The 19 new homes at Sturdee Rd add to this total, with 16 modern, warm, well-designed two-bedroom places and 3 five-bedroom places.

Invitation to media:
Associate Housing and Urban Development Minister Jenny Salesa will formally open the Sturdee Rd transitional housing at an event on 6 July, 1pm at 29-35 Sturdee Rd.
Media are welcome to attend. Following the formalities, there will be an opportunity to interview STRIVE CEO Sharon Wilson-Davis and to take a tour of some of the houses which are not yet tenanted.
Editor's notes:
Transitional housing offers a warm, safe place to stay for up to 12 weeks or more if needed, along with a range of support services to help people secure a longer-term home and address other issues they may face. This support carries on for three months after people find a long-term home.
MSD contracts providers (such as STRIVE Community Trust) to manage transitional housing, support tenants and maintain the properties.
More information about transitional housing >> http://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/work-programmes/social-housing/transitional-or-emergency-housing.html
STRIVE Community Trust: STRIVE Community Trust, previously known as Tamaki Ki Raro Trust, is a long-standing organisation committed to providing services that collectively address the social, economic, educational and cultural needs of all people that reside in the community.
STRIVE brings considerable experience and expertise at housing and supporting people and families in South Auckland communities. It already manages transitional housing at 33 Sturdee Road (a renovated former rest home), as well as a new 72-unit complex in Papatoetoe, three homes in Mt Wellington and one in Mangere.
For more information contact:
MSD Public Affairs Team | 04 916 3496 | media@msd.govt.nz
STRIVE Community Trust:
Chief Executive Officer Sharon Wilson-Davis | 021 611 296
Operations and Relationship Manager Bill Peace | 021 511 214