Taking children into care is always a last resort
28 October 2016.
Please attribute the following to Murray Edridge, Deputy Chief Executive, Child, Youth and Family:
We expect anyone with concerns about the safety of a child to contact Child, Youth and Family or the Police immediately.
Child, Youth and Family responds to all reports of concern and takes action in all cases where a statutory care and protection investigation or assessment is needed.
When someone notifies us with concerns about a child, we assess the child and the family’s situation, and whether we need to do anything further to make sure children are safe. In many cases, the family just needs some advice, or to be connected with the right support services.
A notification to Child, Youth and Family does not mean a child or young person will necessarily require Child, Youth and Family statutory intervention.
However, where a child or young person is experiencing (or likely to) experience harm, neglect or abuse and this is having a significant impact on their development, safety, health or wellbeing it is likely a statutory response will be required.
If an agency or an individual makes a report of concern, Child, Youth and Family will collect a range of information from professionals, agencies and wider family. Child, Youth and Family makes decisions based on this work. It does not act just on the basis of a single allegation.
The Family Court makes decisions about the care of children to ensure their on-going safety.
In emergency situations, Child, Youth and Family or the Police will uplift a child or young person to ensure their immediate safety. However, ongoing decisions regarding their care will be made in the Family Court.