Statement on the sentencing of Edward Anand
04 May 2016.
Statement by Ministry of Social Development Programme Manager Claims Resolution Elisabeth Brunt:
Edward Anand has today been brought to account for his predatory behaviour.
No young person in our care should be subject to abuse of any kind. The Ministry has no tolerance whatsoever for staff who breach the trust of young people in such a way.
Staff complaints about Mr Anand’s behaviour were brought to the attention of Department of Social Welfare management in Dunedin in February 1986.
The complaints related to allegations of sexual abuse involving two girls and inappropriate behaviour towards other staff. The sexual abuse allegations were referred to Police at the time.
After the allegations were raised with Mr Anand, he chose to resign.
Sexual offenders are by definition manipulative and secretive and will always seek to create opportunities to offend. Records from the time show that the allegations about Mr Anand were handled as they should have been at the time.
We have received a number of claims that include an allegation relating to Mr Anand. Two have been resolved. The Ministry of Social Development has apologised to these two claimants and made a financial payment. We are currently working with a number of other women to resolve their claims against Mr Anand.
We encourage any of his victims who have not yet been heard to contact us or the Police.
Changes in CYF
A lot has changed in Child, Youth and Family since 1986 to make children and young people safe while in care, not least of which was the introduction of the 1989 Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act.
The process for vetting potential caregivers, training them and reviewing their performance is now more robust.
Children and young people have regular opportunities to provide feedback on their care in a safe way.
Child, Youth and Family also has a joint investigation protocol for working with Police where allegations of abuse are made.
The Government has recently announced major state care reforms and a complete overhaul of Child, Youth and Family to improve the long-term outcomes for New Zealand’s most vulnerable population and to give vulnerable children and young people the protection and life opportunities they deserve.
Historic claims process
The Ministry of Social Development encourages anyone who believes they have an historic claim of abuse or neglect to contact the Ministry.
Our Historic Claims advisors can explain how we may be able to help and the various options available for resolution.
Where we have got it wrong, we will apologise. Claimants may receive a financial payment if they came to harm because of a failure in our care. We also look at what other help we can provide, such as counseling.