Kotahitanga, Working across government
18 June 2019.
Secretariat supporting historical abuse inquiry

A Crown secretariat has been set up to coordinate and align the Crown’s engagement across and between agencies for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions.
The secretariat’s role is to make sure all involved agencies support the inquiry’s work in an integrated, open, constructive and transparent way.
Over the next four years and beyond, the inquiry will involve many Crown agencies which support children, young people and vulnerable adults in care. That includes many of MSD’s people and some of our contracted providers.
Six principles shape how the Crown behaves, engages and responds to the Royal Commission: manaakitanga, openness, transparency, learning, being joined up, and meeting our obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
The principles guide the way the Crown engages with the Royal Commission and its wider engagement with survivors of abuse.
The new principles-based cross agency approach will also help ensure that Māori experiences are more recognised and respected. This reflects the approach MSD’s Historic Claims team is taking with claimants.
MSD’s role
MSD is an important member of the Crown Secretariat with a major role in the inquiry. Some of our people may be involved in gathering information, records or other evidence or in providing support of some kind. Our Historic Claims team is continuing to work with claimants while the Inquiry is happening.
The Royal Commission is keeping us updated on progress and decisions, including plans to engage with the many people they want to hear and gather evidence from.
As the inquiry moves ahead, including planning and preparing for hearings, we’ll continue working with the inquiry team to understand how we can best support their work.
More information
If you have any questions about the Crown response or the part we’ll be playing, please email: