Kotahitanga, Funding opportunity
18 June 2019.
Children and families research funding available

Each year MSD awards up to $750,000 to policy-relevant research projects that explore and analyse the data gathered by the Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) study, the largest longitudinal study into child development and growing up in 21st century New Zealand.
Applications are open to academics, public and independent research organisations, government agencies, and non-government organisations including iwi-based organisations and service providers.
This year we have introduced a second category of funding to support researchers new to the GUiNZ data. Two categories of funding are available:
- Standard Research Grant: Up to $125,000 per proposal. Projects will demonstrate strong research capability, experience with working with longitudinal data.
- New User Grant: Up to $50,000 per proposal. Projects must be led by a principal investigator who has not previously conducted research using GUiNZ data.
Each project will require collaboration with a policy agency to ensure alignment to current policy needs and advice.
Collaborations between groups are encouraged so that we get richer research insights and more comprehensive analyses of how we can improve the wellbeing of New Zealand children and their families.