Business people reading the Social Report.

Budget fact sheets

Budget factsheets outlining changes in funding and initiatives as announced in the Government's Budgets.

Budget 2024

Budget 2024 sets out the Government’s programme for delivering on its priorities, including building a strong economy, reining in public sector spending and supporting job growth.

Wellbeing Budget 2023

Budget 2023 continues the Government’s focus on the cost of living and recovering from Cyclone Gabrielle and other North Island severe weather events.

Wellbeing Budget 2022

Budget 2022 continues to support MSD’s efforts to help low-income New Zealanders, whether on benefit or working, as we recover from the impacts of COVID-19.

Wellbeing Budget 2021

Demand for MSD support and services has increased because of COVID-19, with more people receiving a benefit. Budget 2021 enables MSD to support more people through the impacts of COVID-19.

Budget 2020 - Rebuilding together

MSD has received new funding across a range of initiatives as part of Budget 2020 and the COVID-19 Response Package.

Budget 2019 - Wellbeing investment in MSD

The Government has announced a significant investment in MSD and our work to help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent.

Budget 2018 - Housing First for homelessness

The Government’s Budget 2018 housing package will see Housing New Zealand and community housing providers delivering thousands more public houses and supporting more people in urgent need of housing.

Budget 2017 - Changes to Accommodation Supplement Areas

Budget 2016 - to provide $46m to support victims and prevent sexual violence

Social Development Minister Anne Tolley and Justice Minister Amy Adams have today announced that Budget 2016 will invest $46 million of funding over four years to better support victims and help prevent sexual abuse.

Budget 2015  - Package to address child material hardship in New Zealand

This Regulatory Impact Statement provides an analysis of a package of policy options developed for Budget 2015 to address child material hardship in New Zealand.

Business people reading the Social Report.
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