Online Identity Check service coming soon
14 November 2023.
From 20 November, new clients applying for ongoing financial support through MyMSD can choose to verify their identity online, using Identity Check.
Identity Check is a fast and secure way to confirm identity. Being able to do this online will make the application process easier for many clients.
If people don’t want to use Identity Check, or it doesn’t work for them, they can bring their ID into a service centre, as they do today.
Identity information is a taonga. Identity Check will be another way we’re protecting our clients’ identity, while making sure we give support to the right person.
How Identity Check works
Identity Check is provided by Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs (DIA). It uses facial recognition technology to take a live photo and compare this with the client’s driver licence or passport photo. MSD doesn’t have access to these photos or clients’ biometric information.
Identity is confirmed within a few moments. If the check isn’t successful, clients can try again or bring their ID into a service centre as they do today. An unsuccessful check won’t have any impact on whether an application for support is granted.
There’s guidance during the process on how to take a good photo. Staying still, looking straight at the camera, having good lighting and a good internet connection produce the best result.
DIA recently upgraded the technology Identity Check uses. Live tests for the new version show a success rate of over 90 per cent, for people from a variety of backgrounds. We’re pleased with those initial results as an indication that the service will generally work well for our clients.
There’s more information about Identity Check on this page and on the Work and Income website.