Launching Te Aorerekura — our national strategy to eliminate family violence and sexual violence
07 December 2021.
Marama Davidson, Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence and Sexual Violence, publicly released Te Aorerekura — Aotearoa New Zealand’s first-ever cross-government strategy to eliminate violence — on Tuesday 7 December 2021.
The national strategy was developed by the Joint Venture of the Social Wellbeing Board (the board), which was established in September 2018 and brings together ten government agencies. All agencies have a role to work together in supporting the family violence and sexual violence sector.
Debbie Power, Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development (MSD), is a member of the board. MSD has traditionally played a significant role supporting the family and sexual violence sector, since the Taskforce for Family and Sexual Violence was established in 2005.
Significant community engagement during 2021
Te Aorerekura is the result of significant public engagement during 2021 and reflects the kōrero we had, as Joint Venture partners, with people from all over the country. We heard from many people and groups, including LGBTQIA+ communities, male survivors, disabled people, children and young people, that they lack visibility, services and supports.
Te Aorerekura will guide our collective work — by government, tangata whenua and communities.
The strategy helps give effect to Te Tiriti through strengthening relationships between Māori and the Crown, so Māori have a broader role in their own wellbeing - working to strengthen protective factors and achieve equitable outcomes.
Our shared moemoeā or vision is: “All people in Aotearoa New Zealand are thriving, their wellbeing is enhanced and sustained because they are safe and supported to live their lives free from family violence and sexual violence.”
The strategy builds on significant work already underway, creating a shared view of where we are, what needs to be done differently and what more is needed.