Consultation on the Former Refugees, Recent Migrants and Ethnic Communities Employment Action Plan
13 October 2021.
The Former Refugees, Recent Migrants and Ethnic Communities Employment Action Plan is 1 of 7 population specific action plans that sits under the All-of-Government Employment Strategy. The Strategy is intended to support Aotearoa New Zealand’s move towards a more productive, sustainable, and inclusive economy.
Submissions close at 5pm on 31 of October 2021.
The Former Refugees, Recent Migrants and Ethnic Communities Employment Action Plan (the Action Plan) aims to lift employment outcomes for former refugees, recent migrants and ethnic communities.
When compared to the total New Zealand population, these groups persistently experience poorer employment outcomes due to a range of barriers. The Action Plan brings together current and planned programmes of work to support these groups to develop their skills, get into work, and to have fulfilling careers.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Ministry of Ethnic Communities and Ministry of Social Development are asking for your feedback on the Action Plan. Your views and feedback will help to inform the proposals in the final Action Plan, which will be considered by the Government.
How to make a submission
Submissions close at 5pm on 31 of October 2021.
If you have any questions please contact info@ethniccommunities.govt.nz