Tenancy review changes
18 September 2018.
The Government is making more public housing tenants exempt from tenancy reviews, the Minister of Housing and Urban Development Phil Twyford has announced.
The change is designed to better protect and recognise public housing tenants who most need the security and support of long-term public housing.
Which public housing tenants will have tenancy reviews?
Public housing tenants may have a review every three years or so, but not if they or their partner:
- have children under 18 in their care
- are 65 or older
- get a Supported Living Payment.
Tenants in one of these groups will only have a tenancy review if their income, assets or other changes mean they may no longer need public housing.
Tenants with lifetime tenure won’t have a tenancy review.
What does this mean for public housing tenants?
Tenancy reviews have been on hold since earlier in 2018 and will stay on hold until early 2019.
Public housing tenants do not need to take any action until they hear from MSD about their tenancy review.
When reviews re-start in 2019, the Ministry of Social Development will get in touch to explain the next steps.
You can read the Minister’s announcement on the Beehive website.