Funding and programmes for whānau-centred services transferred to Whānau Ora
11 May 2016.
The Minister for Whānau Ora, Hon Te Ururoa Flavell, and the Minister for Social Development, Hon Anne Tolley, have announced today that the Government is transferring up to $11.38 million in funding and programmes that align with the Whānau Ora approach from the Ministry of Social Development to support Whānau Ora outcomes. The programmes and funding will be allocated across the three Whānau Ora Commissioning Agencies.
The transfer is part of a review of social service spending which aims to achieve better outcomes for our most vulnerable whānau and families.
The transfer recognises the value of the Whānau Ora approach as a means of improving outcomes for many vulnerable families, particularly Māori and Pasifika, with whom social sector agencies have traditionally struggled to engage.
The majority of the transfer of programmes and funding will begin on 1 July 2016, the beginning of the Government’s new financial year. Additional whānau-centred programmes and funding are expected to be transferred in the financial year beginning 1 July 2017.