Objective 2: Back people who want to work with the right support
- How important are the proposed actions – do you think they will make a difference?
- Is there is anything important missing?
- Is there anything that should be changed or removed?
Action area 2.1
Create meaningful and joined-up introductions to employment support
- Evaluate and if appropriate expand integrated health and employment support trials.
- Review disability-related benefits to ensure people are getting the right support for their situations.
- Develop options to better involve whānau in referral systems for employment services and supports.
- Recognise the value of part-time work, and other types of work or pathways to work when determining access to support.
Action area 2.2
Greater participation in employment services by disabled people and people with health conditions
- Fund more active support for disabled people and people with health conditions who are experiencing difficulty in finding or staying in employment.
- Ensure more disabled people and people with health conditions are accessing universal employment services such as employment-focused case management services, training programmes and wage subsidies.
- Increase access to in-work support for disabled people and people with health conditions.
Action area 2.3
Promote local employment support partnerships
- Promote the Employment Support Practice Guidelines: How to support disabled people to get the job they want (2018).
- Transparent and fair funding for non-government providers to enable effective employment support partnerships at regional and local level.
- Develop a Diploma in Employment Support.
- Create opportunities for local employment providers and community organisations to meet and share ideas about effective employment support practices.