Community Participation Services
MSD provides contributory funding to providers and organisations that offer services for disabled people and people with health conditions lasting longer than six months who require additional support with community participation and inclusion and in some cases employment outcomes.
The availability of these services is limited. You'll need to contact your local Community Participation Service provider and check if they have a funded spot available. In many cases they will also check your eligibility with MSD.
Community Participation
Community Participation, for MSD contracted providers to support people to improve their community participation or inclusion.
Very High Needs
Very High Needs, for MSD contracted providers to support people to improve their community participation or inclusion. This service is only for those who have been assessed as having very high needs support required through the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) when they were at school.
Transition from School
Transition from School, for MSD contracted providers to support young people who have been who have been assessed as having high or very high needs support required through the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) and who are in their final year of school to plan for life after school.
Employment Service in Schools
Employment Service in Schools, for MSD contracted providers in some regions to support young people with a disability or health condition in their final two years of school to plan for life after school.
Business Enterprises
Business Enterprises, a contribution to employers of disabled people in sheltered settings to assist with the support and supervision of employees who have difficulty finding open employment.
Further information for Providers
If what you are looking for is not covered here are some other resources:
If you have a disability or health condition and are looking for help to get work our Employment Service may be able to help.
If you have a disability or health condition and are in work Jobs and Training Support Funds may be able to help.
If you have to stop work because of a health condition, injury, or disability Work and Income may be able to provide financial support:
You can find community services for people with disabilities through the Family Services directory where you can filter the results for ‘special needs/disability’ services:
You can also find information on the New Zealand Disability Support Network website.
Workforce Training and Development Fund
Staff of MSD-funded providers of Community Participation services may be eligible for the Workforce Training and Development Fund, which is administered and managed by New Zealand Disability Support Network on behalf of MSD.
To find out more or apply for the fund: