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Transition from School service for people with a disability or health condition

If you have a disability or health condition, including a mental health condition or neurodiversity, have been assessed at school as High or Very High Needs under Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) and are in your final year of school you may be able to access a service to support you to plan for a future post school.

We have contracted experienced Transition from School providers who can help you plan for life after school during your last year at school. Our providers are experts in supporting people with a wide range of disabilities and health conditions.

The availability of these services is limited. You'll need to contact your local Transition from School Service provider and check if they have a funded spot available. In many cases they will also check your eligibility with MSD.

Who can get it

This service is only for people assessed at school as High or Very High Needs under ORS who post school will face barriers or require support to engage in activities in their community between 9am-3pm Monday to Friday. These activities can include those that support employment preparation, training, or community participation. 

You can use Transition from School Service if:

  • you were assessed at school as High Needs or Very High Needs under ORS
  • you're currently living in New Zealand, and
  • you're a New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident, and
  • you're aged between 16 and 21, and
  • you're in your final year of school
  • you do not qualify for support to transition from school through ACC.

What you can get

Transition Service providers can help you:

  • consider all post-school employment, education and community participation options
  • develop an individual plan for realising your goals for life after school.
  • participate in activities, services and facilities that are part of the daily lives of New Zealanders
  • develop skills for daily living and participating in the community
  • make a contribution to the community through voluntary work
  • achieve valued roles such as: student, teammate, teacher, parent, spokesperson
  • participate in your culture
  • take part in work experience and/or work related skills training
  • identify appropriate employment opportunities
  • gain and maintain paid employment or self-employment
  • maintain and extend friendships and social and support networks

How to apply

You'll need to contact a Transition Service provider and check if they have a spot available. Find a provider in your area here:
Our Community Participation Service providers.

Your provider will let you know if they have a funded spot available, how they'll work with you and help you develop a plan around how they support you.

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