Options for people with high or very high support needs to employ their family member to care for them - A Guide for Carers
If someone has been assessed as having high or very high support needs by a Needs Assessment and Service Coordination organisation (NASC), they are able to employ their family member to provide personal care and/or help with household tasks.
- For people with high or very high support needs due to a health condition, there is an option to employ their family carer through a Home and Community Support Service provider funded by DHBs. The support needs requirement must be assessed by a DHB NASC.
- Disabled people can choose an arrangement to employ their family carer that best suits their circumstances, through:
- personal budget processes like Individualised Funding (see Individualised Funding for Disabled People for Household Management and Personal Care), or
- employing their family carer through a Home and Community Support Service provider.
In all cases, a NASC will be able to help work out your needs and the support options. Find out how to contact a NASC.