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Heartland Services

What is Heartlands?

Heartland Services (Heartlands) was first established in 2001. Heartlands supports rural and isolated communities access government and non-government services, as well as advice, support, and access to free technology. Heartlands also provides a physical space/hub so people can access services face to face.

Heartlands is free to use and available to all, however, there may be costs associated with some services that you are referred on to.

Providers delivering Heartlands have an in-depth understanding of the unique needs, challenges and opportunities in their respective communities and have developed locally responsive ways of connecting individuals and whānau to the services they need.

Each site can help connect people with a range of government and community services via access to technology like free Wi-Fi, printers/scanners, and phones.

Where is Heartlands available?

MSD currently funds Heartlands in 41 communities across New Zealand.

To find your nearest Heartlands and information about the government and community services you may be able to access, visit the Heartlands website.

2024 Heartlands Service Guidelines

The Heartland Service Guidelines (Guidelines) guide and reflect the delivery of Heartlands by community providers across the country to rural and isolated communities. In July 2023, MSD implemented new Guidelines to support service delivery of Heartlands by providers and to ensure they reflect the work/mahi our providers undertake.

These updated Guidelines help locally tailored service delivery so communities receive a service suitable for their unique needs, while also ensuring consistency and clarity where needed. These Guidelines were created in collaboration with Heartlands providers.

The Guidelines have been updated and this version is effective from 10 July 2024.

Breakdown of funding

Heartlands funding allows flexibility for provider operating models and unique community needs. Heartlands providers are funded to provide a full time Heartlands service.

In F2023 – F2024, providers delivering Heartlands received one-off grant funding to make improvements to their service and/or trial continuous improvement solutions to strengthen service delivery.

For more information on funding, please refer to the link below:

Resources and guidance for providers delivering Heartlands

This section has useful information for providers, including quarterly reporting requirements and guidance for administering the Heartlands Client Survey.

Who can I contact with questions about Heartlands?

If you have any questions relating to Heartlands, please contact

To contact a specific Heartlands site, please refer to the Heartlands website for contact details.

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