Just Kai?
Online conversations about community kai.
MSD’s Food Secure Communities and Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective invite you to join us for a series of webinars about community kai. This webinar series aims to assist community food organisations as we work together to create a Food Secure Aotearoa. It is a space for sharing stories about inspiring mahi across Aotearoa, with an opportunity for Q+A.
Webinar #1: Food Insecurity? Food Security? What is the difference and why does it matter?
Recorded 1pm Tuesday 20 April 2021
This webinar was an introduction to the following key questions:
- What does a food secure community look like? And what is the difference between food insecurity & food security?
- How do we get there?
- Is it just about kai? Or is this really a conversation about income and cost of living?
- How do we create a system that enables all to experience food sovereignty?
Webinar #2: Mana to Mana Practice of Community Food Distribution
Recorded 1pm Thursday 3 June 2021
As community food organisations shape their practices and engagements with whānau in this post-COVID lockdown world we know we need to do so in relationship to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Join us to discover one way to explore that as Alannah Marriot and Tric Malcolm, from Kore Hiakai, share their Mana to Mana Practice framework.
Webinar #3: Exploring models of Community Kai Social Enterprise
Recorded 1pm Monday 2 August 2021
This third webinar examined the experiences of local community kai social enterprises which have helped increase the availability of affordable nutritious kai in their communities.
Just Kai? Webinar #4: A standard Food Parcel measure for Aotearoa
1-2pm, Wednesday 17 November 2021
This webinar is an introduction to the Aotearoa Standard Food Parcel Measure (ASFPM). Launched in July 2021, the ASFPM offers a standardised way to quantity the nutritionally adequacy of Food Parcels being distributed in our communities. It is also proposed as a sector measuring tool which offers a standard ‘unit’ to quantify the number of food parcels disbursed by Foodbanks and community food distributors.