Supported Living Payment (SLP) for full-time carer - A Guide for Carers
This is a weekly payment if you’re caring full-time for someone with a serious health condition or disability who is not your partner. To be able to get this payment, the person you care for must:
- need full-time care
- be your child, a family member (other than your spouse or partner), or a member of your community
- otherwise need hospital-level or residential care (or equivalent).
When applying for this payment, a doctor will need to fill out a medical certificate about the person you’re caring for.
Eligibility for this payment, and the rate of payment, depends on how much you and your partner (if you have one) earn.
If the person that you are caring for is your partner, you will not be eligible for Supported Living Payment as a carer. However, if your partner receives Supported Living Payment for a health condition, injury or disability, you may be able to be included in their benefit (see Income support for the person being cared for) at the married rate.
To find out more and how to apply
- visit the Supported Living Payment page on the Work and Income website
- contact Work and Income.