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Web feeds - also known as Atom or RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds - allow you to read and keep up to date with new content. They enable you to have information sent directly to your computer.
Subscribing to free RSS feeds of your favourite online content is an easy and free way to keep up with the latest information, services, resources and news available from the Ministry.
How to use RSS feeds?
Modern web browsers typically support RSS. However, for users of earlier browsers, such as IE6, you will need an RSS reader or aggregator to subscribe to and receive RSS. This software collects any feeds you have subscribed to and displays them in your browser so you can view them when it suits you. Note: please see your administrator about installing such a tool if this it not your own PC.
Free or inexpensive RSS readers are available from website such as Google.
Our feeds
What's New
The latest across all sections of the website.
Media Releases
The latest releases and stories from our Newsroom.
What's Happening
The latest events listings.
Publications and Resources
The Ministry's recently published reports and publications. Including our quarterly flagship publication Rise.
Work Programmes
Find out when updates and new information has been released about our initiatives and programmes.