Successful applicants for CiCDWF funding
Direct Support Fund
Provider Name |
Region |
Contact Information |
Papatoetoe Central Samoan Assembly of God Trust |
Auckland |
Phone: 027-4471121 |
Te Ahi Kaa Indigenous Solutions Incorporated |
Auckland |
Email: danielleo@teahikaa.co.nz Website: Te Ahi Kaa Indigenous Training Solutions | Facebook |
Knox Home Trust |
Auckland |
Email: info@knox.co.nz Website: www.knox.co.nz |
Huakina Development Trust |
Auckland |
Phone: 09 238 0250 Email: admin@huakina.co.nz Website: https://huakina.co.nz/ |
Autism New Zealand Incorporated |
Auckland |
Phone: 09 846 0913 Email: auckland@autismnz.org.nz |
The Pride Project Charitable Trust |
Auckland |
Website: theprideproject.co.nz |
Laura Fergusson Trust Incorporated |
Auckland |
Website: http://laurafergusson.co.nz/ |
Taikura Trust |
Auckland |
Phone: 0800 824 5872 Email: info@taikura.org.nz Website: https://www.taikura.org.nz/contact-us/ |
Taikura Trust |
Auckland |
Phone: 0800 824 5872 Email: info@taikura.org.nz Website: https://www.taikura.org.nz/contact-us/ |
Taikura Trust |
Auckland |
Phone: 0800 824 5872 Email: info@taikura.org.nz Website: https://www.taikura.org.nz/contact-us/ |
Grace Foundation Charitable Trust |
Auckland |
Phone: 0508 447 223 Email: gracefoundation@live.com Website: https://www.gracefoundation.co.nz/ |
Acorn Autism Charitable Trust |
Auckland |
Phone: 09 281 4857 Email: admin@acornautism.co.nz Website: www.acornautism.co.nz |
Carers New Zealand |
Auckland |
Phone: 021 277 2401 Email: help@carers.net.nz |
The Fatimah Foundation |
Auckland |
Phone: 0800 222 432 Email: info@fatimahfoundation.org.nz Website: www.fatimahfoundation.org.nz |
Korean Positive Ageing Charitable Trust |
Auckland |
Phone: 09 271 1949 Email: info@koreanpositiveageing.org.nz |
Creative Abilities & Associates Limited |
Auckland |
Website: https://www.creativeabilities.co.nz/ |
The Liz Soper Foundation of Care Trust |
Auckland |
Phone: 09 444 0608 Email: thelizsoperfoundationofcare@gmail.com Website: https://www.creativeabilities.co.nz/our-foundation |
CNSST Foundation |
Auckland |
Phone: 09 570 1188 Email: ccs@cnsst.org.nz Website: www.cnsst.org.nz |
Vaka Tautua Limited |
Auckland |
Phone: 0800 825 282 Email: enquiries@vakatautua.co.nz Website: www.vakatautua.co.nz/contact-us |
Anton Kitione Care Trust |
Auckland |
Email: tnemani7@gmail.com |
Anxiety New Zealand Trust |
Auckland |
Phone: 09 846 9776 Email: fundraising@anxiety.org.nz |
Aotearoa Muslim Youth Trust |
Auckland |
Website: https://muslimyouth.nz/ |
Te Roopu Waiora Trust |
Auckland |
Phone: 09 277 4513 Email: enquiries@teroopuwaiora.nz Website: www.teroopuwaiora.nz |
Te Whanau Tokotokorangi Charitable Trust |
Bay of Plenty |
Phone: 07 349 3228 Email: tokotoko@xtra.co.nz Website: www.tokotokorangi.co.nz |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Bay of Plenty |
Bay of Plenty |
Phone: 027 226 8354 Email: matt.turner@bbbs.nz Website: http://www.bigbrothersbigsisters.org.nz/ |
Te Ika Whenua Counselling Services Trust |
Bay of Plenty |
Phone: 07 366 5562 Email: admin@tiwcs.org.nz |
CCS Disability Action Bay of Plenty Incorporated |
Bay of Plenty |
Phone: 0800 227 2255 or 07 578 0063 Email: bop@ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz Website: www.ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz |
Ngati Ranginui Iwi Society Incorporated |
Bay of Plenty |
Phone: 07 571 0934 Email: info@ranginui.co.nz Website: https://www.ranginui.co.nz/ |
Te Puna Ora o Mataatua Charitable Trust |
Bay of Plenty |
Phone: 0800 628 228 Email: admin@tpoom.co.nz Website: www.tpoom.co.nz |
NZ Disability Advisory Trust Incorporated |
Canterbury |
Phone: 022 1864 838 Email: christchurchadvocate@gmail.com |
CRC Limited |
Canterbury |
Phone: 03 385 8178 Email: anniem@crcltd.co.nz Website: crcltd.co.nz |
Chatham Islands Ladies Visiting Hospital Committee Society Incorporated |
Canterbury |
Phone: 03 305 0056 Email: 218barbjoyce@gmail.com |
Step Ahead Trust |
Canterbury |
Phone: 0800 688 732 Email: info@stepahead.org.nz Website: http://www.stepahead.org.nz/ |
St John of God Hauora Trust |
Canterbury |
Phone: 03 386 2159 Email: info@sjog.org.nz Website: www.sjog.org.nz |
Kaitiaki Tua Whakarere Whānau Ora Consultancy |
Canterbury |
Phone: 027 559 1341 Email: Waikura@KaitiakiTuaWhakarere.org |
New Zealand Spinal Trust |
Canterbury |
Phone: 03 383 6881 Email: peersupport@nzspinaltrust.org.nz Website: https://www.nzspinaltrust.org.nz/ |
RCG Group (2010) Ltd |
Canterbury |
Phone: 03 967 1652 Email: lou@whanauwhanake.org Website: www.whanauwhanake.org |
Age Concern (Horowhenua) Incorporated |
Central |
Phone: 06 367 2181 Email: admin@ageconcernhro.co.nz Website: www.ageconcernhoro.co.nz |
Mana Whaikaha Limited |
Central |
Phone: 022 467 2082 Email: midc.yaay@outlook.com |
Tararua Riding for the Disabled Incorporated |
Central |
Phone: 021 236 8866 Email: tararua@rda.org.nz |
Manawatu Riding for Disabled Association Incorporated (218813) |
Central |
Phone: 06 280 0916 Email: rda.manawatu@gmail.com |
Pasifika for tomorrow - Fa'atili Foe Mo Le A'e |
Central |
Email: pffmoleae@gmail.com |
Wanganui Group Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporated |
Central |
Email: wanganui@rda.org.nz Website: www.rda.org.nz/volunteering/your-local-rdalwanganui |
Pasifika for tomorrow - Fa'atili Foe Mo Le A'e |
Central |
Phone: 022 595 5428 Email: pffmoleae@gmail.com |
Muscular Dystrophy Association (Tuaatara | Central Region) Inc. |
Central |
Phone: 0800 886 626 Email: info.central@mda.nz |
Loop Health & Safety Limited |
East Coast |
Email: jo@loophs.co.nz |
Te Hauora o Turanganui a Kiwa |
East Coast |
Phone: 06 869 0457 Email: admin@turangahealth.co.nz Address: 145 Derby Street, Gisborne |
Enliven Disability Services - a service of Presbyterian Support East Coast (PSEC |
East Coast |
Email: andrew.wordsworth@psec.org.nz Website: www.psec.org.nz |
Age Concern Wairoa Incorporated |
East Coast |
Phone: 06 838 8678 Email: ageconcern@gmail.com |
Hōhepa Services Limited |
East Coast |
Phone Laura: 027 259 2385 Website: www.hohepahawkesbay.com Or visit the Hōhepa Hawkes Bay Community Drop In Centre: 258 Gloucester Street, Taradale |
My Place Aotearoa Aotearoa Limited |
National |
Email: rangi@manaatea.nz Website: www.manaatea.nz |
Te Ao Mārama Aotearoa Trust |
National |
Email: info@tama.nz |
Tai Timu Tai Pari Limited |
National |
Phone: 0800 824846 Email: calena.shortland@tttp.co.nz |
Stroke Foundation of New Zealand Limited |
National |
Phone: 0800 787 653 Email: chris.green@stroke.org.nz Website: stroke.org.nz |
FASD-CAN Incorporated |
National |
Email: janet.miller@fasd-can.org.nz Website: https://www.fasd-can.org.nz/ |
The Whanau Ora Community Clinic |
National |
Phone: 0800 367 942 Email: info@toa.org.nz Website: www.whanauoracommunity.com |
Whakatu Group Riding for the Disabled Incorporated |
Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast |
Phone: 03 546 6366 Email: whakaturdaoffice@gmail.com |
The Brain Injury Association (Nelson) Incorporated |
Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast |
Phone: 03 546 6656 Email: admin.nelson@brain-injury.org.nz Website: http://www.braininjury.nz/ |
Richmond Riding for the Disabled Incorporated |
Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast |
Phone: 03 544 8960 Email: richmondrda@ts.co.nz |
Pinnacle House Charitable |
Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast |
Email: admin@pinnaclehouse.org.nz Website: www.pinnaclehousenelson.org.nz |
Village Community Trust |
Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast |
Phone: 035469206 Email: manager@employable.co.nz Website: www.employable.co.nz |
Kawatiri Group Riding for the Disabled Incorporated |
Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast |
Email: kawatirigrouprda@gmail.com Website: rda.org.nz |
Regent Training Centre Limited |
Northland |
Phone: 0800 734 368 Email: enrol@rtc.co.nz Website: www.rtc.co.nz |
Te Hau Ora O Ngapuhi Limited |
Northland |
Phone: 0800 484 006 Email: referrals@thoon.org.nz Website: www.tehauoraongapuhi.org |
Ngawha Springs Forward Charitable Trust |
Northland |
Phone: 021 945 155 Email: ngawhaspringsmovingforward@gmail.com |
Te Whai Community Trust Mangawhai |
Northland |
Phone: 09 4313459 Email: info@tewhaicommunitytrust.co.nz |
Te Hau Awhiowhio o Otangarei Trust |
Northland |
Phone: 09 437 0908 Email: quinton.bush@otangarei.org |
Koha Kai Trust Board |
Southern |
Phone: 03 748 1353 Email: janice@kohakai.co.nz Website: www.kohakai.co.nz |
Central Otago Living Limited (Arrowtown) |
Southern |
Email: admin@livingoptions.org.nz Phone: 03 448 7748 |
Central Otago Living Ltd (Alexandra) |
Southern |
Email: admin@livingoptions.org.nz Phone: 03 448 7748 |
New Zealand Riding for The Disabled, Waikouaiti Group Incorporated |
Southern |
Email: waikouaitirda@gmail.com |
Wanganui Enterprises Trust |
Taranaki |
Phone: 06 343 7053 Email: mail@fivestar.org.nz Website: www.fivestar.org.nz |
Access Community Health Limited |
Taranaki |
Phone: 0800 181147 Email: info@maia.nz Website: www.maia.nz |
Taranaki Community Law Trust on behalf of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Taranaki Initiative |
Taranaki |
Phone: 0800 529 878 Email: tcls@xtra.co.nz Website: www.communitylaw.org.nz |
ConneXu 2020 Trust |
Waikato |
Phone: 07 871 8847 Email: admin@connexu.nz Website: https://www.connexu.nz |
Coromandel Independent Living Trust |
Waikato |
Phone: 07 866 8358 Email: cilt@cilt.org.nz Website: www.cilt.org.nz |
McKenzie Centre Trust |
Waikato |
Phone: 07 839 5357 Email: admin@mckenziecentre.org.nz Website: https://www.mckenziecentre.org.nz/ |
Ngati Maniapoto Marae Pact Trust |
Waikato |
Phone: 07 878 0028 Email: dennisa@maniapoto.org.nz Website: www.maniapoto.org.nz |
Starfish Social Services |
Waikato |
Phone: 07 888 8795 Email: jo@starfishservices.org.nz Website: https://starfishservices.org.nz/ |
Te Aroha Group NZ Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporated |
Waikato |
Email: tearoharda@gmail.com |
Community Living Limited |
Waikato |
Phone: 07 834 3700 Email: enquiries@communityliving.org.nz |
Toitukiterangi (TKTR) |
Waikato |
Email: tiffany@tktr.org.nz |
Riding for the Disabled Hutt Valley Association Group Incorporated |
Wellington |
Phone: 04 527 8360 Email: hvrda@xtra.co.nz |
St John of God Hauora Trust |
Wellington |
Email: info@sjog.org.nz Website: www.sjog.org.nz |
ChangeAbility Counselling & Family Violence Services Incorporated |
Wellington |
Phone: 06 377 0933 Email: contact@changewairarapa.org.nz Website: www.changewairarapa.org.nz |
Foundation for Equity and Research New Zealand |
Wellington |
Email: info@fernz.org.nz |
Motuoru Development Services Limited |
Wellington |
Email: motuoru.developmentservices@gmail.com Website: https://motuorudevelopment.com/ |
Kapiti Vaulting Club Incorporated |
Wellington |
Email: office@kapitiequestrian.com Website: www.kapitiequestrian.com |