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Progress to date on the child poverty reduction targets

The table below shows the three primary poverty measures, the baseline measured rate as of 2018, the 2023/24 measured rates, the second intermediate target rate and second intermediate target compliance status, the third intermediate target rate and the 10-year target rate.

Primary poverty measure 

Baseline 2017/18 (measured) rate

Second intermediate 3- year target rate



(measured) rates

Second intermediate target compliance


Third intermediate 3-year target rate


10-year target rate

Material hardship

The proportion of children living in households scoring 6 or more out of 17 on the DEP-17 material hardship index


9% of children in the 2023/24 financial year


Not met




The proportion of children in households with disposable incomes less than 50% of the median in a given year


10% of children in the 2023/24 financial year


Not met




The proportion of children living in households with incomes less than 50% of the median income in 2018, after deducting housing costs and adjusting for inflation


15% of children in the 2023/24 financial year


Not met



Information about the first and second sets of three year intermediate targets, as set in 2021 and 2019

Second set of three year intermediate targets:

By 2023/24, the Government aimed to reduce the proportion of children in:

  • low-income households on the before-housing-costs measure to 10 percent
  • low income households on the after-housing costs measure to 15 percent
  • material hardship to 9 percent.

See a copy of the New Zealand Gazette notice text for the second set of three year targets – 30 June 2021.

See a copy of the press release about the setting of the second set of three years targets – 30 June 2021.

See a copy of the press release which confirms that the second set of intermediate targets were not met – 20 February 2025.

First set of three year intermediate targets:

By 2020/21, the Government aimed to reduce the proportion of children in:

  • low income households on the before housing costs primary measure from 16.5 percent of children to 10.5 percent 
  • low income households on the after housing costs primary measure from 22.8 percent of children to 18.8 percent 
  • material hardship from 13.3 percent of children to 10.3 percent.

See a copy of the New Zealand Gazette notice text for the ten year targets and first set of three year targets – 22 May 2019.

See the press release about the Government meeting the first round of child poverty targets on two of the three primary measures – 24 February 2022