Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children - Key statistics and information for media
This page provides information and data frequently requested by the media about Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children (formerly known as Child, Youth and Family), which was part of MSD until April 2017. MSD has continued to report this information up to 30 June 2017, including breakdowns by the regions, operational areas and sites used by Oranga Tamariki.
Key statistics
The following compares the national data for the year ended June 2017 (1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017) with the financial year ended June 2016 (1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016).
Compared to the year ended June 2016, the year ended June 2017 showed a 7 percent decrease in total notifications, which largely reflected an 11 percent decrease in Police family violence referrals. Also comparing to last year, reports of concern requiring further action and Child and Family Assessments both decreased (down 13 percent and 18 percent respectively). There was also a decrease in substantiated findings (down 10 percent).
Compared to last year, investigations with Police remained relatively unchanged (down one percent). Also comparing to last year, there were increases in children and young people involved in Family Group Conferences (FGCs) (up five percent) and in the number of FGCs held (up seven percent).
Compared to last year, entries to care and exits from care have both decreased (by four percent and 12 percent respectively). This has led to increased numbers of children and young people in custody and in out-of-home placements. Also compared to last year, there was a 17 percent decrease in the number of children entering a Home for Life placement.
The number of distinct children and young people identified in reports of concern decreased by two percent (from 60,605 to 59,317). The total number of children and young people with notifications (including Police family violence referrals) decreased 7 percent (from 171,208 to 158,921), largely reflecting an 11 percent decrease in the total number of children and young people with Police family violence referrals (from 86,980 to 77,081).
Investigations and assessments
The total number of children and young people with reports of concern that required further action decreased by 13 percent (from 44,689 to 38,975), while the number of distinct children and young people with reports of concern requiring further action decreased by 11 percent (from 37,093 to 33,029).
Total substantiated findings of abuse or neglect decreased by 10 percent (from 16,394 to 14,802), and there was an 11 percent decrease in the number of distinct children and young people with substantiated findings (from 13,598 to 12,117).
The total number of children and young people participating in Care and Protection Family Group Conferences increased by five percent (from 7,757 to 8,127). The number of distinct children and young people participating in Care and Protection Family Group Conferences increased by six percent (from 5,763 to 6,126).
The total number of young people involved in Youth Justice Family Group Conferences was relatively unchanged (down one percent or 62, from 5,286 to 5,224), while the number of distinct young people involved decreased by two percent or 39 (from 2,463 to 2,424).
Kids in care
Compared to 30 June 2016, the number of distinct children and young people in the custody of the Chief Executive increased by seven percent (from 5,312 to 5,708). There was also a seven percent increase in the number of out-of-home placements (from 4,394 to 4,716).
Admissions to Care and Protection residences decreased by nine percent (from 129 to 118), while admissions to Youth Justice residences decreased by two percent (from 910 to 889).
Statistics on adoptions within New Zealand are provided on request by the Ministry of Justice. Email: official.correspondence@justice.govt.nz.
The Department of Internal Affairs can provide information on intercountry adoptions finalised overseas and recognised by New Zealand. Email: info@dia.govt.nz
Media enquiries
For all media enquiries, please contact Oranga Tamariki's media team:
- Phone: 0800 712 315
- Email: media@ot.govt.nz